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In a small village, there were two young women, one with a smaller figure, she wore a regular black tee shirt tucked into denim shorts, black tights underneath with pink skulls on them, topped off with black knee-high converse. Her hair was pitch black, long enough to lay over her shoulders, styled with a scene/emo type haircut. Her name was Jaidan. Her best friend and roommate, was named Hannah, she was slightly taller, and thicker in all the right places of course !! (all bodies are beautiful <33) She wore a purple long sleeved t-shirt with black tights, her favorite pair of shoes, white crocs, to top it off. Hannah's hair was long, light brown, with dark purple tips at the ends. The two women were walking around their home village, window shopping as they strolled. They dressed quite different from the others in the village. So they aren't wearing the local clothing, which mostly consisted of kimonos, but the villagers didn't mind.  The two ladies approached the local grocery store, the clerk greeted them as they approached.
"Good morning ladies! I assume you're here for the fresh fruit that just came in as always!" The clerk spoke kindly.
"You already know!" Hannah replied as Jaidan was still looking around. Jaidan was the type to constantly take in her surroundings, for safety and environmental appreciation purposes.
"I was actually hoping you girls would stop by today. I've heard news of a demon roaming around these parts. Taking the lives of people in their sleep or during nighttime activities, and I know Jaidan likes her nightly walks and such." The store clerk spoke worriedly.
"I appreciate your concern." Jaidan responded.
"Oh really?" Hannah continued. "Have we had the Demon Slayer Corps notified of such?"
"Im not sure, but I hope so. I hear this demon likes targeting women. I actually heard a story about another demon that targeted women, but that one only targeted 16 and under. This one around here is targeting the older women, around 18 to their 20s and such. Since Jaidan is around there, I figured I should make sure you know and that you are cautious!" The store clerk responded.
"It's much appreciated!" Hannah smiled as Jaidan nodded with a slight grin.
"Anyways, down to daily business!" The store clerk joked, giving the ladies a chuckle. "The basket of mixed fruits? or a certain fruit?"
"One basket of strawberries. For Jaidan of course!" Hannah continued with a giggle, "and then a basket of mixed fruits. I have to get extra strawberries due to Jaidan's obsession!" she joked. Making the store clerk chuckle.
"Hey it isn't that bad!" Jaidan laughed.
"I'd say otherwise buddy." Hannah replied. The ladies then received their baskets, paid for each, and headed back to their house to put them away.


The two ladies were now at home and putting the fruits away as Jaidan suddenly spoke.
"Hannah, I have an idea, it's about that demon." Jaidan said.
"Jaidan, if your plan is to get a blood thirsty creature to work for you, i don't think it'll work!" Hannah responded.
"What no! That's not it!" Jaidan continued. "I want to slay it. I've been practicing my darkness breathing training. I feel as if i'm strong enough now."
"Jaidan...I knew you were crazy but, ARE YOU CRAZY?" Hannah questioned worriedly.
"Yes." Jaidan responded.
"No need to tell me, that was sarcasm." Hannah continued, "but do you REALLY plan to fight that thing?! Jaidan you can't! Your elemental power is something you figured out on your own, we aren't sure if anyone else has this or if it's only you. You have no one to go off of or ask for advice or anything. It's all been you!" Hannah warned. "Truthfully I wouldn't...and I don't want you hurt or gone so soon..." she spoke to her best friend with tears forming in her eyes. Causing Jaidan to get a bit emotional, which was rare, but only towards people she cared about. She pulled her best friend into a tight hug and said "I'd never, you think I could be wiped out that easily?" Jaidan joked. Hannah giggled.
"By a demon? Yes. By anyone else? No." Hannah responded with a smile.
"I'll stand back, for now." Jaidan responded. "Plus the Demon Slayer Corps could've been notified by now."
"Very true." Hannah replied. Jaidan let out a small yawn and walked over to the small cushions in their living room.
"I'm gonna take a little nap. I'm pretty sleepy..." Jaidan spoke softly.
"I'm sure of it, you trained your ass off yesterday and stayed up late doing so." Hannah chuckled. Jaidan then drifted off to sleep. Hannah began cleaning around the house while her friend rested up.


It was now 7:30 pm, Jaidan had only awoke around an hour ago, and Hannah had been doing chores around the house as she slept.
"Jaidan!" Hannah called.
"Do you think you could grab the clothes I left to dry outside, and since there's a demon around i'd say before the sun goes down! I'm done out here and i'm gonna go clean up in my room."
"Gotcha." Jaidan replied as she finished up a sandwich she made as a snack. She had laid her head down afterwards and dozed off, sleeping for a few minutes, she then woke up abruptly, remembering her task she was assigned. She got up quickly and looked outside. Pitch black. She then looked at the time. 8:06 pm. Past nightfall.
"Dammit!" Jaidan mumbled, then thought,
'Maybe I can make this quick, in and out ordeal.' She cautiously stepped outside with a basket in hand to grab the clothes, as she was almost finished. She heard a noise from her right. She looked over, seeing nothing and thinking she was just being paranoid. She finished up, taking the basket to the door when suddenly, a strange looking fellow blocked her path. Standing in front of the door. His skin was grey, his eyes were red, hair was black and mid-length, he had very sharp claws for fingernails.

This was definitely the demon...

Demon Slayer AUWhere stories live. Discover now