The Haunted Hotel - 1

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In which Green Day + Jason, Kevin, and Blue find themselves in a 'haunted' hotel.

"Okay, are you sure this is where we're supposed to stay?" Jason asked, pulling the car into the parking lot of the...rather spooky looking hotel.

"Yeah, this is what management said." Mike assured him.

"Alright, we've stayed in some weird places but this seems like a new low." A visibly scared Blue exclaimed from the very backseat next to Kevin. Kevin noticed how worried they seemed, and comfortingly wrapped his arm around them.

Jason parked the car, and Billie Joe immediately jumped out, followed very quickly by Tre. Billie put the middle row's seat down and let Blue and Kevin get out. Jason and Mike were already getting everyone's suitcases out.

"Okay, we have two rooms, each has two beds and a couch, so three people to a room." Mike read the text from their tour manager aloud.

"We've sold over 50 billion records and yet we still have to share rooms with each other?" Tre groaned.

"Yes. Now, shuddup." Mike glared at the rather short man. "In room one, Jason, Tre, and Kevin. In room two, Billie, me, and Blue." He finished, shutting his phone off.

Kevin groaned as Blue walked over to Mike. "Not fairrrr." He groaned.

"Totally fair." Mike glared once again, this time at Kevin.

He and Jason handed everyone their suitcases, and everyone walked into the hotel. Mike got them checked in (though, it should be stated that it was Tre's turn. The group collectively agreed that that was a poor idea.). They separated into the two groups, and went their separate ways.

Jason, Tre, and Kevin

"Okay, we are going to get into so much trouble!!" Tre shouted, as Jason unlocked the door to their hotel room.

"We are absolutely not going to be doing that." Jason rolled his eyes. Kevin put his hand on his forehead and sighed.

"C'mon! We can't just sit and do nothing!" Tre pouted, as the three walked in.

"Tre, it's nine-o-clock, shut up." Jason said through gritted teeth.

Tre picked his bed, and started jumping on it.

"Did we really have to get the 9-year-old in a grown-man's body in our room?" Kevin asked Jason, who was taking photos of any previous damage to prove that they didn't cause it.

"D'you think Billie and Mike would trade us Blue for him?" Jason asked in response, watching the man bounce. "Tre! Get down!" He growled. Tre frowned, and stopped jumping.

Mike, Billie, and Blue

"I wonder if this place is haunted." Blue feared, sitting criss-cross on one of the beds.

"I doubt it. We'll be okay." Mike comforted, sitting next to them.

"Yeah, ghosts aren't real." Billie confirmed, sitting across from them. "And besides, you're with us. We'll protect you."

Mike nodded and stroked Blue's hair. Blue snuggled into his side.

"So, what do you wanna do?" Billie asked.

"Sleep." Mike suggested.

"We can't sleep yet, it's literally nine-thirty." Billie shook his head.

"You might not be able to, I certainly can."

"Says the man who drank four cups of coffee this morning." Blue giggled.

"I'm hyposensitive. I can't feel it." Mike explained.


"Blue. Indoor voice." Billie grabbed their hand.

Blue's eyes widened and they nodded." Sorry, Bill." They put their hand over their mouth.

"Oh Bluey, it's alright. Just be a little more aware, that's all." Billie stroked their hand with his thumb.

Blue nodded again. "I wonder how the others are doing."

"Probably not good. They're babysitting Tre." Mike chuckled.

"I miss Kevin." Blue frowned. "I wish we could've all been in the same room."

"Personally, I think we'd have gone insane if we were all in the same room." Billie rolled his eyes again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2022 ⏰

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