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Heinz Ketchup POV

Sitting on my office desk currently doing my paperwork's as then I heard my wife Cordelia shout her son Ayato to study in his room instead of wasting his time playing.

I ignored them, even though I have 8 son's they're just a tool for me nothing more, honestly everyone is a tool for me but, I have someone who isn't a lovely woman and akso a royal blood vampire, a smart, kind and somewhat cold also.

The daughter of the strongest vampire they don't call themselves empire but most likely a clan, she loves gambling as that's what her clan does for decades sell wines and such and she is also a knight sometimes.

People said she was the first woman in their clan that held swords, that has an interest at business and fighting.

Now that I think about it, there's a party going to be held at their clan next week she invited me but I still haven't answered, I should probably reply to her now and also I'll ask if my wives can come with me.

After finishing all my paperwork's and my reply to my friend the reply came quickly as expected of her.

I chuckled.

I head outside to inform my two wives, I'll inform Christa later.

I saw Beatrix at with Reiji who is studying.

Strict as always.

Karl: Hello,Beatrix.

She looked at me widened eyes.

Beatrix: Reiji, you can take a break for 10 minutes, go now.

Beatrix said as Reiji bowed then went to inside the mansion then looked at me once again.

Beatrix: what is it, Karl?

She asked sipping her tea.

Karl: My friend actually have a party this week, and she wants to invite me so I asked her if my lovely wives could come with me no.

Beatrix: A female friend?

As I was about to reply to her someone latched onto me.

???: Karl~

Karl:, Good morning Cordelia.

Cordelia: what are you bith talking about?~

Beatrix: karl is just informing me about an upcoming party since his female friend invited her.

Cordelia: I didn't ask you Beatrix.

Beatrix: You didn't ask your dear husband, Cordelia.

Cordelia clicked her tongue then looked at me.

Cordelia: So, a female friend? Are you perhaps taking her as another wife if yours?

I chuckled.

Karl: I already confessed to her in the past but unfortunately she rejected me, she's also the first woman that I confessed to.

I then saw Beatrix smirk.

Beatrix: I didn't know that someone had rejected you Karl, anyhow is Christa so gonna come?

Karl: Yes, she is I'll be going to her Tower now.

I started walking away going to Christa.

Currently inside the tower I walked to where she is, facing her door room I went inside and saw her sitting up on the bed.

Karl: Christa.

She looked at me trembling and also fear in her eyes.

I didn't walk closer to her so I just stood leaning on the door.

Karl: Do you remember Y/N L/N?

She nodded at me shaking.

Karl: She invited us to go to the party that's going to be held at her place next week, someone will bring your clothes also make sure to calm yourself down when you're there.

I then left the room, walking back to my office.

End Of Chapter 1

A/N: I don't really know the story of this anime nor know what their personalities are so I'll just go with my iwn plot and such.

Also before I forget, credits to the original owner of the cover of my story but I did some little editing.

Also before I forget, credits to the original owner of the cover of my story but I did some little editing

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