About you first!

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So your a Nature Hashira cause like you know I have nothing else creative.

And your Estate is gonna be this!

And your Estate is gonna be this!

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Sorry if it isn't showing.

If it isn't showing than it's a treehouse estate(^^).

The decorations is all up to you and your imagination!

Forms in total: 6

First Form Trees Life: (Please bare with me on this I'm not much creative ಠ_ಠ.) When using this form Massive trees come out to Defend you and the other peron that is near you so it's basically a shield.

Second Form Mother nature's Vines: When using this form you unleash Vines from anywhere and if it catches or even the tiniest touch you will be stuck on the vines and the user has enough time to cut the head and the demon can't use there Art unless there really strong

Third Form The Earth's quake illusion: Now using this Form it's pretty obvious on what it can do by the name but what it does is If using this form than A HUGE earthquake comes and makes Everything or everyone around it collapse doesn't matter if your a uppermoon it wouldn't matter and if you collapse you get an illusion of beautiful Nature surrounding you making the user have time to cut the head unless you can be able to get out of the illusion.

Fourth Form Nature's Blessings: Now this can only work on demons that have already admitted to there fate, and if use than the demon can have a painless Death and making another illusion of Natures beauty welcoming them.

Fifth form Natures Cleaning: Vines will appear on your sword and will attack demons that try to attack the user, and if the vines caught the demons than they will be up there until the user kills them unless there able to get out.

Sixth form Mother Nature's Calling: This is one of the most powerful move and if use than your energy gets drained by a lot, now what this does is Multiple trees vines Grass etc Comes in thin air the trees are there to defend you and people, and the grass are really sharp step on them or get touched and your poisoned by a lot and the healing of the demon takes forever if touched by the grass, the vines are there to distract and hurt the demons if they try to cut the vines more vines appear and are more stronger than before.


Anyways please wait for the next chapters!

Also this book contains: Blood, gore, and some scary demon facesಥ‿ಥ but besides that if you are uncomfortable with these I suggest you get out of this book unless your feeling brave, also this is my first time writing a whole ass book that has lots of pages so yeaaa anyways stay tuned ig?

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