"Take a Knife and Drain Your Cock"

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It was  a rainy summer night at 4 AM in Autumn. Bladee was sitting at his apartment window, listening to Girls Just Want To Have Fun on his headphones. Suddenly, he felt a deep breath on his neck and a hand gliding up his shirt: It was no one other than Ecco. "What are you doing here all alone baby…", he said with a deep voice. Benjamin stopped the music on his phone and slowly took off his headphones, locking eyes with Zak. "I- I was just trying to pass time during this thunderstorm, you know, listening to music and stuff.."

Ecco looks him deep in the eyes and says: "It's so cold, it's the coldest night, why don't we snuggle up in the bed? Hm? C'mon!". Bladee agreed, although he wasn't in the biggest mood. Stepping off the ledge of the window, he grabs Zak's hand as he leads him to the bedroom. The room was dimly lit, only being illuminated by a few candles all around. A strong scent filled the room, though Ben couldn't quite pinpoint what exactly it was. "Why is it so dark here?", he asked Ecco.

 "Don't you worry hun. Look here, I've got something to show you…" Bladee turned around to see Zak revealing a trap door on the floor. "C'mon now, don't be shy." A little nervous, Ben reluctantly agreed: "I'm a Bad dog but for you I'm obedient.." and grabbed his hand  following him wherever he might take them. Finally, they made their way down the stairs, into some form of basement. 

The room reeked of wet stone and the basement tiles were cold as ice. "Why are you taking me here?", asked Bladee. Suddenly, the door fell shut behind him. "Zak, you- you're creeping me out, can you just please tell me what we're doing here?" Suddenly, the light turned on. In front of him, Bladee saw various types of BDSM Tools and even a chair with ropes to tie people up. "Isn't this what you always wanted?", whispered Zak, “Now come, let me show you what happens to filthy drainers like you..”. 

Without time to think, Zak grabbed Bladee, laying him on the stretcher and bound his hands to it. "Are you sure you want to do this?"he asked him. Bladee nodded. "But be nice to me", he said. Ecco pulls out a gag, placing it over Bladee’s mouth. "Now, you're completely defenseless… I've got you all to myself…", He pulls out a Razor from his pocket, slowly running the stump end across his chest, "Isn't this what you always talk about in your music, wanting to be "cut with razor blades"... Well, I'll make your Wrist Cry. For every move you make, the pain will only be worse. So try your best to resist".

Ben's eyes light up as Ecco turns the razor upside down, with the sharp sides now facing his stomach. He tries to plead, whimpering for forgiveness, but it's no use, the gag over his mouth is too tight. He starts shaking, getting more and more tense as Zak moves the razor towards him. Ecco now moves the razor more downwards, almost grazing Bladee’s now throbbing cock. Suddenly, Ecco puts down the razor. "Now that youre all tensed up, I think you’re ready to be fucked like the slut you are". Ecco removes the restraint and takes Bladee's mouth gag, ordering him on the floor. "Get on your knees and suck me dry. NOW!"
 "Y-yes master", Bladee whimpered, crawling towards him. He removes his pants revealing Zak's huge boner.

Ecco aggressively grabs Ben's head, forcing his 10 Inch Penis down Bladee’s throat. Bladee gags as Ecco thrusts into his mouth more and more. Tears start to form in Ben's eyes, slowly rolling down his cheeks as Ecco mercilessly throatfucks him, even slapping him in the face, hard enough to leave a bruise. Suddenly, he pulls out, busting a huge load on his face.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he thought it was over.

"Not so fast", Ecco said, ordering Bladee onto the bed. "We're not done yet, turn around and bend over you bitch". 
Following orders, Bladee does exactly that.
Suddenly, he feels a tug on his hair, as Ecco pulls him towards him while shoving his dick up his tight boypussy.

As his Insides turn Inside Out, Bladee’s mind goes black as Ecco relentlessly pounds into him, hitting his prostate in all the right places. While slapping his ass he yells "You dirty whore! You're no use besides being a little fucktoy!" 

Ecco's thrusts get harder and faster, while Bladee is slipping in and out of consciousness. Suddenly, Ecco thrusts into him one more time as they both reach climax, with Bladee passing out onto the mattress as gallons of cum ooze out of his asshole.

Ecco, who was still awake, albeit on the brink of passing out from the pleasure himself, cleaned up the mess and put on Alp's drain gang Playlist as he held his BBY, Bladee, Close to his Skin whilst falling asleep, feeling like Romeo with hus Juliet, as his vision fades, white, white, white, gray to black, Eversince...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2022 ⏰

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