-Chapter one-

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"I pushed some nerd in this locker, it was so awesome Marin! You should've been there to see it." Michael boasts proudly, with so much expression on his face.

Michael honestly scared the whole entire life out of me, I barely even know why I'm sitting on his bed actually having a conversation?

He is literally a bully, he likes seeing people in pain. Yet somehow I'm here??

I nod in agreement, spacing out. He doesn't seem to notice my eyes drifting off staring blankly at the white walls of his bedroom.

"Nerds are so disgusting, smart people are annoying, they boast so much, only about being smart. Like shut up." Michael exclaims.

Me, still spacing out barely paying any attention to my surroundings, flinches when I feel a sudden poke in my shoulder. My eyes quickly drift to my left side to see Michael with a concerned look on his handsome face.

"Are you alright? Are you even paying attention to me?"

I notice his baby blue eyes, examining my hazel eyes. It made me slightly uncomfortable, he was really staring into my eyes. Maybe he was waiting for a answer that I wasn't ready to say yet, or even have thought of.

I quickly darted my eyes off to the carpet on the floor, embarrassed. I hate eye contact, I hate it so much.

"I'm ok thanks, your story sounds interesting, how are you?"

I say while continuingly remaining eye contact on the floor.

He inches closer, his hand a few inches from touching my delicate soft hands.

"I'm ok, you just seem bored or even worst... Annoyed".

Me annoyed?! how, I thought.

My eyes smile and my lips curl slightly to form the cutest grin.
Then I turn to face him.

"I am not annoyed at you, how will I be annoyed?." I slightly giggle while saying.

"I just space out sometimes, I don't mean to do that tho. But I'm still listening."

"Good, because you will annoy me if I have to repeat myself, over and over. Just wastes time."

My grin gently remains to my blank neutral face after he said that.

"So what do you even want to talk about Marin. I'm getting kinda bored." Michael asks me while staring at me.

"I honestly don't mind, you can choose anything." I say looking back at Michael, who is now smiling radiantly.

He gets up from his bed and walks over to his dresser near the window. He lifts up a mysterious book.

I follow his direction of where he's going, I can't see what he is lifting up, because the bed is so low to the floor.

"What is that Michael?"
I ask genuinely interested.

"Oh a little something I found in your bag, I stole it when you went in the bathroom."

"What do you mean?"
I asked wondering what he's talking about.

Michael afton x self InsertWhere stories live. Discover now