"Have you missed me?"

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*TW: anxiety attacks, suicide mentioning*

I hope you guys enjoy! Umm tommy suffers a lot in this story because I'm in a angsty mood have fun wowowow

Things on the smp have been strange to say the least...

Dream is out.

Ranboo was killed...

Sam, is a killer

Tommy was finally getting better.

Finally getting over Dream.

Finally getting over... death

"Have you missed me?" Dream says trapping Tommy in the place he was tortured

Tommy was suffering so much there that he built up and was ready to end it. He knows how much harm he's caused. No one cares about him. No one has ever cared about Tommy.

Tommy is 14 years old and has had more trauma than a 30 year old man.

Why? Why Tommy? Why did people target him? Was it because he was loud? Or annoying? Or both...

He missed tubbo. Oh how he thought about tubbo saving him. He'd forgive tubbo in an instant if he were to just get Dream away

"Your not real, your not real, your not real".

Tommy repeats to himself closing his eyes holding up his shield.

He has no armor. He has nothing. Maybe Dream could kill him... maybe for good, maybe it would be easier than living

"Tommy, you wanna drop all your stuff in this hole?"

Tommy puts away his shield, surrendering... it's just easier

Tommy when he was 11 would've punched Tommy right now. But he has nothing to live for, no one to live for

"Just... just kill me".

"Well that's not fun...".

"I'm surrendering. Please"

"I will... but then I will revive you and kill you again then revive you then kill you again... I'm gonna make your life a living hell".


"Your to important Tommy"


"Tommy... Tommy your very important...".

"Why do you care about me enough to kill me and revive me and kill me. Why are you so fucking obsessed. I- I don't understand. Just let me die".

Tommy was finally ready. There's nothing else for him to do.

No one's ever seen Tommy cry. He's never cried, in front of anyone... but god was he close to it right now

"Run Tommy".

Why not, he has nothing else to do, no where else to go, he ended up running all the way to an unfamiliar place.

Dream stopped chasing him and he knows that but he doesn't want to stop. He wants to run and run until he runs off the world.

But instead he walks. He ends up at a way to familiar house.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit".

He hides as Phil walks out of his house

Tommy's not good at hiding. Obviously because Phil immediately hears his very loud panicky breathing and walks over

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