Billxreader: Pain killers

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Mmmm editing hhhhh so fun TxT.

Swear warning ⚠️

Second person veiw.

"Billllllllllllll...." you groaned.
"Yes princess" Bill said floating into the room.

"Uhgggggg..... I need you to go get me some pain killers..." you motioned to the door.

" Why? Aren't pain killers supposed to dull pain?" He questioned.

"Duh that's why I need you to get me some. I'm feeling like shit right now.

I have a splitting headache, along with high fever. Would you please go get me some Tylenol. you gestured raggedly.

"But pain is hilarious." Bill frowned.

"Well maybe for you, but I ain't no masochist! Could you please just get me some damn Tylenol." You said angrily.

"Mmmmm nope." He said plainly.

"Hhhhhhh- Bill, love- please get your beautiful, loving girlfriend some Tylenol." You said with a annoyed smile tight on your face.

"I really... really don't want to blow up and hurt your feelings, so could you please for the love of-."

"What feelings?" He smirked.

"BILL." you yelled.

"Gosh woman- you really do need that white bitter pill thingy- hhhhhhh-." He said exasperated.

You groaned, you were getting tired of his outlandish behavior.

"Bill I will ask you one more time, please get me some Tylenol, or I'll get up and get it myself." You muttered just loud enough for him to here.

"Well see now you've got legs don't ya? Go on, go get em. What are they noodles?" He replied smugly.

"Alright- fine, FINE I will, I don't need your sorry ass to help me." You slid off the bed and landed right on your butt.

"This floor is better than you." You said in a snarling manor.

"I never said you couldn't sit on me."  Bill then gave one of the slyest winks ever.

"Shut- " you blushed a bit.

You got up and started to make your way downstairs.

Unknown to you, there was a not so empty nacho bag at the top of the stairs.  It wouldn't have been such a problem had the floor not been hard wood that was easy to slip on.

You were so ready to crash.

"This is it- the end of my life.  Man- killed by a nacho... who would've guessed. Aw dang... all my friends when they find out I'm dating this guy... WELP" your thoughts mumbled on in your head.

You waited for impact, but it never came. You decide to open your eyes only to see yourself levitating with a light blue mist surrounding you.

"Awh come on- nachos are cheesy, and I'm not that low in standards, also you're welcome." Bill had the audacity to flash his signature smirk.

You rolled your eyes.

"Thanks.... I guess." You said begrudgingly.

Bill snapped his fingers.

"There feeling better aye?" He said with a raised eyebrow.

"Really cipher, all you had to do was that- IreNe you are insufferable." You said frowning.

"Yes, yes I am." He threw a grin your way. 

You really couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips.

"Now come along, I want to do that thing called cuddling." He said with a turned back.

You gave the "really" face and got up to follow after him


Yees me like the new edited version woooooo thanks to my friends this should be pretty good UwU

Cya pine tree

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