Like A Flower... (Eijirou Kirishima x Reader)

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3rd Person: Y/N L/N looked around the campus of their new school, UA Hero Academy. They had gotten in through recommendations (that of their father), and had joined half-way through the first year. They had an incredibly strong quirk, but didn't flash it around much, for fear of being thought of as a show-off. They only knew one person at their new school. Their best friend since they were a toddler. Eijirou Kirishima. They known him practically their entire life, and the two had grown up together. Kirishima went over to their house pretty often, but every time he saw or talked to Y/N's father, there was the same reaction. Star-struck awe. Their dad was Crimson Riot. A pro-hero with quirk similar to Kirishima's. He had looked up to Crimson Riot nearly all his life, so finding out he was the father of his best friend was huge. Y/N always found it cute when Kirishima talked to their dad. His eyes would widen to the size of basketballs, and every word that came out of his mouth was a stuttery mess. Once, Crimson Riot had told Kirishima that he had a lot of potential, and that he could and would be an amazing hero one day, and the poor boy just stood there gawking for a good few minutes. Y/N often teased him, telling him that their dad was just a normal, friendly guy, once you get past the whole 'famous pro-hero' thing, but Kirishima still saw him as a full-on celebrity.

Kiri's POV: "Y/N!" I shouted, seeing my best friend sitting on a bench outside our dorms. School had just ended for the day, so now everyone else was off doing their own thing. Their head snapped to face me and my scarlet eyes met their deep e/c ones. At first, they looked surprised to see me, but then a grin crept onto their face. They stood up quickly, and ran to hug me. The force of the hug was strong, so I stumbled backwards a little, before hugging back tightly. How was your first day!?" I asked exitedly. They shrugged in response and finally let go of me. Then I remembered why I was there. My hands started to fidget and a small bead of sweat dribbled down my forehead. I looked down at the ground. "You okay?" Y/N asked quietly, concern in her voice. "Hmm?" I muttered. "O-oh y-yeah! Heh." I replied, still nervous. "Urm, actually, w-would you mind coming to my dorm for something real f-fast?"

Y/N's POV: "Urm, actually, w-would you mind coming to my dorm for something real f-fast?" Kirishima asked me. I could tell he was really anxious, and I thought he might be in some sort of trouble. I could never tell him this, of course, but I really liked him. Like, REALLY liked him, so the thought of him being in any kind of danger worried me. "O-of course!" I replied a little too quickly. He looked up at me, grinning. "R-really?" He asked, surprised. I nodded. If even possible, his smile got wider. Without another word, he tightly grabbed my hand and ran towards the building in front of us. I couldn't help but notice his palms were really sweaty. I assumed he had been working out before this. I tried my best to keep up, but he was pretty fast. Eventually, we reached the door to his room. He put a hand over my eyes. "Don't peek, okay?" I heard him ask. I giggled and nodded. I heard a door open. I was greeted with the smell of my favorite flowers. red orchids and irises. Lots of them. "You can look now, n/n." My eyes fluttered open, and I was met with dozens of bouquets of my two favorite flowers, and a few boxes of chocolate. I turned around to face him. Eijiro Kirishima. My best friend. The guy who I'd had a crush on since half-way through middle school. His face was covered with that toothy, wide smile I loved so much. "I wanted to tell you something Y/N." He said sheepishly. I chuckled, still slightly overwhelmed by all the heartfelt gifts around me. "I like you. A lot." He said, catching me off guard. My eyes widened. "I-" I started to say. "Let me finish," Kirishima insisted. I did. "You've been my best friend since before I can remember. I can't lose that. You mean the world to me. And even though I'm pretty sure you don't feel the same way, I couldn't keep it from you any longer.

"Please don't let this ruin our friendship, I couldn't take tha-"

"Eijirou," I said, making him go quiet. "It's okay." He seemed to relax a little. "I like you too. A lot." He stared at me in disbelief. "Y-you do? I-I mean, You're not just saying t-that, like to make me happy?" He asked, a small, shocked smile starting to to form on his face. I quietly nodded, then smiled at the boy in front of me. He threw his arms around my neck and shoulders. "Thank you." He whispered into my ear. I thought I heard his voice break, but it was confirmed when I saw the tears starting to form in his eyes. I laughed, then pressed my lips to his. He looked surprised, then didn't hesitate to kiss back. His eyes fluttered open, as he restored the distance between us. Kirishima then proceeded to scoop me up and carry me back to my dorm. He opened the door, and carefully placed me down on my bed. He turned to leave, but I grabbed his wrist. "Stay." I mumbled. He chuckled, before laying down next to me.

Kiri's POV: I looked into the eyes of the person in front of me. Different shades of e/c seemed to swirl into a deep, captivating sea of emotion. It was cute. "Hey," I muttered looking away again. They let out a tired hum, signaling for me to continue. "Sorry if this is sudden, but c-can I be your boyfriend?" I asked nervously, expecting them to turn me down, or tell me that it was too early, or something. But all they said was, "Sure." and smiled at me. I smiled back and wrapped an arm around their waist, pulling them into my chest. "I'm tired." They groaned, cuddling into me. I chuckled. "First day of training's pretty unforgiving huh?" They hummed again, nodding.

That was the last I heard from them, before we both drifted off into a deep enchanting sleep, in each others warm embrace. I love them so much.

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