4. I've got you

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It's been five days since that silly game of Truth or Dare. Us, the Pogue group of the cast have been whisked away to film a few last minute interviews for season one, this kinda thing is for some reason still happening and season two hasn't even been announced yet.

Rudy, Chase, Madelyn, Maddie B, JD and I all walk into a white room with a backdrop screen set up and a camera set infront, we are told what is going to happen.

"So we are doing what is called an autocomplete wired interview. Basically we give you each a few polystyrene boards and you have to peal back the stickers to reveal the questions and then answer them to the camera. Be as honest as you like, feel free to laugh and make jokes, remember your allowed to have a bit of fun with this." The producer Jenny tells us.

"Sounds good." I smile.

Madelyn and Maddie nod.

"Cool, so we just peal back the stickers and answer the questions yeah?" JD checks.

The producer says yes.

"Right let's get going gang, we have other interviews to get to today!" Our own producer says.

We are split into three groups, Madelyn and Chase, Maddie and JD, Rudy and me. Chase and Madelyn go first, sit there laughing and telling jokes, making it look easy, then all too soon its Rudy and my turn. We sit down in the two chairs that are set infront of the camera and pic up the foam boards from the floor. I hold mine up to the camera, resting it on my knee.

"Alright guys, whenever your ready." Jenny calls from somewhere behind the camera. I smile.

"Hi I'm Dana Parker." I start

"And I'm Rudy Pankow and we're doing..." Rudy adds

"A autocomplete, wired interview." We say in usion.

I smile at Rudy with a nervous laugh.

"Okay so we just peal this..." Rudy struggles with the tab so I reach out and peal it off.

"Is Rudy Pankow... a natural blond?" He says

"Nope, dyed my dude's, ITS ALL FAKE!" I laugh.

(A.n I don't actually know if this is true or not but oh well)

"Yep, total fake." Rudy chimes in, putting a hand to his head and 'swooning'.

"Okay next one." Rudy claps his hands.

"Wait why don't I do yours and you do mine?" I suggest, hoping to make it easier for eachother.

"Sure!" He smiles.

I peal back the label slowly reading aloud.

"Is Rudy Pankow...JJ from Outer Banks?" I ask Rudy.

"Yes, I do play JJ in the Netfilx TV show Outer Banks, season one is out now! Go watch it!" He points at the camera, doing finger guns.

"Is Rudy Pankow..."
The questions go on for a while until it's my turn and Rudy begins to peal back the first label on my board.

"Is Dana Parker... named after Dana Sculley from The X-Files?" Rudy asks raising an eyebrow.

"Acutslly I thought about this when I first met you." He adds.

"Yeah actually my mum loved the show when she was pregnant with me and then I came into the world and she decided she loved it so much that I just had to be named after one of the main characters!" I laugh, though I like my name I would even go as far to say I'm proud of it.

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