The little trap

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Sanji P.O.V.
"An island!!!! Finally!!!" Usopp.
"Yes!!!! An island!!!" Luffy and Chopper yells happily.
I go to my sweet Nami-swan. "Nami-swaaaaan!!! We are on an island."
"Thank you Sanji-kun."
She is so amazing.
We landed on the island and we decides Franky, Usopp and Brook will stay on the ship.
Luffy starts running happily with Chopper and they leave for the town. Nami-swan and Robin-chan go for shopping and the marimo i have no idea.
I will go to take the supplies for the ship.
I walk in the town, there are so many beauties here.
I go at the grocery's shop to buy fresh vegetables.
Here i see a beautiful woman which i think she notices me.
She is coming closer! Woooow! She is so sexy!!!
"Hello, i'm Hanna. What's your name cutie blondie?" She comes and her fingers play with my hair. I'm melting! This is so amazing!
"S---..Sanji. Hanna-swaaan you are amazing."
She laughs. So pretty!!!
"Will you join me to small walk? Sanji-kun."
Wow!!! She calls me Sanji-kun!
I am blushing.
We are walking out of the town at the woods.
She stops and pass her hands around me.
She smirks. "Got you!"
And handcuffs prison my hands behind my back and my legs.
"What?" I yell.
"Black leg Sanji from the Straw hat's pirates 77,000,000 bellies." She smiles evily reading my wanted poster.
"I can't understand Hanna-swan."
She puts her hands on her hips.
"I am a bounty hunter and i just catch very easy a big bargain."
After a while two men comes with a carriage.
"Hanna what you have here?" The one of them say.
She shows him my wanted poster.
"A straw hat? Not bad Hanna. Put him on the carriage."
The other man comes and lifts me on his shoulder.
"Oi! Bastard put me down!"
Hey throws me in the carriage and tied a cloth around my mouth.
That bastards!!!
The carriage is moving, i have to find a way to escape from here before they will go me to the navy.

Name P.O.V.
Did i see well what happen? Did they kiddnaped a poor man?
I know those three. Gutoc siblings. I don't like their faces, they are bad people. They sold poor peoples as slaves to richers ones.
Now they take that poor man. I have to help him.
I take my bow and jump from a tree to other tree to don't see me.
I am on a good spot now. I am aiming and wait for the right moment.
Now! "Fire arrow."
I shot and flames cuts their road.
"What the hell? We are under attack!"
They get panic and looking for who cause that.
I find a chance and go on the carriage with out see me.
I see a blond man with a weird eyebrown, with handcuffs on his hands, legs and a cloth is covering his mouth.
"Shhh... i will get you out of here." I tell him and remove the cloth of his mouth.
"Who are you?"
I didn't awnser on his question.
"Stand still." I tell him.
I take my bow and shot to the chains.
"Thunder arrow." And small thunders show up and break the chains.
"Thank you." He tells me with a blush.
"Can you fight?" I ask him.
"Yeah." He anwsers.
"Let's go to kick their asses." I smirk.
We go out of the carriage and we see them.
"You again little bitch!" One of them raise his sword on me and the blond man blocks him with his leg.
"To attack a woman it's a shame." He tells them pretty mad.
And they start a fight.
I see the other two and aim.
"Let's just send you fly. Aim. Got you! Thunder shots." And thunders are dancing around my arrows and of course they reach the goal.
They fell on the ground.
I turn to check what the blond do and he is great. He just kick his ass and light up a cigarette.
I am very happy which i help him. He looks a good man. I leave with out him to notice.

Sanji P.O.V.
I just kick his ass and light up a cigarette. How he dare to try to hit my little cute......
Where is she? She was here a second ago!!!
"Hey, cutie! Where are you?" I yell but i didn't take an anwser.
I walk back to the town very sad.
Who was that girl? She was so cute, brave and beautiful!!!
Ahhhh! I want to see her again!!! I don't even know her name.
I remember her (e/c) eyes, her long beautiful (h/c) locks. Her weird skill to make a thunder arrow from nothing. How she can do that? Is she a devil fruit user?
I want to learn more for her!!!
That's unfair!!!
Why she left before i talk to her???
My little cute, brave and beautiful savior! Where are you?

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