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Joyce is squeezing Jim's hand as they run out of the base, and towards the exit. Though he can feel her hand in his, Hopper kept glancing down at her to ensure she is okay. His only thought would be keeping her safe and protected from now on...

The cool summer nightime air hit their faces as they reached the parking lot of Starcourt. Immediately searching for the kids through the flashing lights, and the loud sirens. The whole world was a blur for the both of them; neither one of them coming back to reality until they ran into each other.

El noticed Hopper first. She called his name and ran towards him. He immediately brought her into his arms. "I was scared" the girl admitted. "Me too, kid. But I'm safe."

Joyce made eye contact with Will, and they found their way towards each other briskly. Will held his mother tight against him. "God, I thought you were dead" he sniffled.

"I'm okay" she assured him quietly.


When they returned to Joyce's house, Joyce went into the bathroom and started the shower. A familiar feeling took over her. She felt alone. She was alone. It was only her and Hopper at the house, as they assumed it would be better for the kids to stay together through the night.

She ran her fingers under the warm water before stepping in. She didn't know if she was supposed to feel every emotion known to human; Or if she was supposed to feel nothing at all.

There was silence aside from the water hitting the floor of the shower. Her mind wondered. Thoughts of what almost happened that night, took over her. It was clear to her that she couldn't lose Hopper. Even just the thought of losing him made her tear up.
The tears ran down her cheeks, and what started as a couple, turned into a waterfall.

Jim stayed in her kitchen, pouring a glass of wine for when she finished her shower. Even if there was only a wall separating them, he needed her with him to know she was safe. It terrified him to think that something could've happened to her if it wasn't for perfect timing.

The sound of the bathroom door opening brought him out of his thoughts. Joyce walked into the kitchen with her pyjamas on, and her hair damp.

"Hey. You doing okay?" Jim asked, handing her the glass of wine.

She nodded before taking a sip. "Yeah, I've just been thinking about everything. I mean, I hardly ever get anytime to think about anything... but it terrifies me to think about what almost happened."

He understood. He'd lived through it multiple times. "It scares me too, Joyce. Everything does"

"I can't lose you, Hop." She states, tears filling her eyes once again.

He stands up and walks over to where she's standing. He moves a strand of hair out of her face and behind her ear. "I can't lose you either, Joyce. I wouldn't make it"

She moves forward to wrap her arms around him, and bury her face in his chest. He wraps his arms around her small body and places a kiss to the top of her head.

An hour went by, and Hopper was stepping out of the shower, while Joyce got the bed ready. She knew she wouldn't be able to sleep alone that night, and she hoped hopper understood that.

Jim walked into her bedroom in clean pyjamas, sitting down on the edge of the bed. "Hey, Jim?"

"Yeah?" He lifted his head to meet her eyes.

"Would you possibly sleep in here with me tonight? I can't be alone.." she admits.

"Of course I will." He crawls in bed next to her and wraps his arm around her. She reaches over to turn off the lamp. They sat in the dark, the only noise being the fan.

Hopper felt her shake against him, and the sound of sniffles brought his attention to her. She pressed herself against him tighter. "Joyce, are you okay?"

He brushed the side of her cheek with his thumb. She was thankful that the room was completely dark, as she didn't want him to see her crying. "What do you need, honey?"

"I just need you" she replied in a shaky voice.

He laid there, Joyce curled up against his side with her head resting on his chest. He gently played with her hair, and ran soothing fingers up and down her sides. At some point, she fell asleep, and he was perfect in his spot. He wouldn't change anything.

He could stay like this forever, and die happy. If there was any doubt in the back of his mind that he loved her, it was gone. He knew. He knew that whatever he felt for her was destined. She is the owner of his heart, and he wouldn't want it any other way.

He's never loved someone as much as he loves her.

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