Track 1: Loners Stick Together

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"I hate them all," Charlie mumbled as he wrote the name "TED" on a makeshift voodoo made of rags and grass. "This school doesn't even deserved to be bombed; I'm gonna resurrect a murderous ghost and curse it instead!!"

As Manson worked on his personal project, Richard Ramirez was staring at him discreetly from around the bookshelf. He stared at the voodoo doll at first: it kinda looked like that annoying Christian guy from calculus, Ted Bundy...but Richie couldn't be sure. The outfit looked very preppy and the yarn hair was black with blue buttons for eyes. Also, Richie seemed to be the only one aware that Charlie hated Ted's guts. He seemed to be the only one to notice Charlie at all.

Charlie was so into torturing the Ted doll that he didn't notice Jeffrey Dahmer holding a bucket above his head.

"AUGHGHHGHH!!!!" Charlie screamed as bits of crustacean flesh fell all over him and Jeff laughed sadistically. Richie wasn't going to do anything (as he usually didn't), but this was taking it too far.

"Dahmer, you dumb ass!!!" Ramirez yelled at him, forcing Charlie to jump because he didn't realize there was anyone behind him.

"What? You're not gonna defend the little witch, are you? He's a freak, nobody likes him. We should burn him at the stake already," Jeff gave Charlie an evil, toothy grin. "Wouldn't that be something? Roast the lil piggy on a spit?"

"Shut up, dickhead!!" Charlie was crying now but still attempted to wipe his tears in between crab body parts. "You're just some brain-dead fool who knows nothing about anything!! I'm not scared of you..."

Jeffrey rolled his eyes. "I may be brain-dead fool, but at least people here like me. You? Everyone regrets your birth, Charlie. Your momma probably shoulda gone latex!!" That made Charlie lose it; he pounced on the blonde bully and attempted to choke him. Unfortunately, his fingers were slippery from trying to dry his tears and clean off crab guts, so his attempts were highly unsuccessful. Ramirez stood above the both of them.

"Hhh...GYAK!! H-elp me!" Jeffrey managed. Richard kept looking down on him. Charlie punched Jeffrey in the face.

"Nah, I'm good," is all Richard said before walking away. He paused for a second, not looking back. Part of him hoped Charlie would say something they'd say in the movies, like, "We freaks gotta stick together. See you at lunch," but Charlie just kept beating the shit out of Dahmer. Richard sighed and walked away as Charlie thought, "There's one guy I won't be making a voodoo doll of..."


As Richard sat in the corner table of the courtyard under the shade, he chewed on a torta while he daydreamed about having a different life. A lot of people hated Richard and his coping mechanism was telling himself that they were jealous of his freedom. But the truth was, Richard wasn't free; he was a slave to his impulses and everybody saw him as trash because of it.

He already had a budding criminal record but was somehow in school right now. He was a slut that slept with anybody. He was using heavy drugs but his parents didn't even care. Nobody really cared about Richard, so Richard pretended not to care about himself, either. When transferred into this school a few months ago, the first ones he noticed were The Trio: Ed Kemper, John Wayne Gacy and Ted Bundy.

Ed Kemper was referred to as "The King" because he stood taller than anybody else in the school and even Ted couldn't match his IQ level. John Wayne Gacy was kinda on the bigger side, but everyone liked him because he threw through hella good parties. And finally there was The Extortioner himself - Ted Bundy. Ted kinda intrigued Richard at first, and he wasn't sure why.

Ted was one of those hardcore Christian kids who did everything perfectly. He was the kid that never disappointed his parents and who was easily accepted by his friends' parents as well. The teachers loved him, the students hated him, but they didn't fuck with him because he could blackmail just about anybody. Richard was surprised by his own lack of hate for Ted. After all, he was a bad kid with a dirty record; why wouldn't he hate a squeaker like Bundy?

But he didn't hate him, for whatever reason. However, Richard quickly found out that Ted had a REAL rival, someone who could probably actually hurt him.

Richard first noticed Charles Manson in art class. The kid was raggedy as hell; hair unkempt liked Kurt Cobain, baggy clothes with holes in them, an angry and demented look in his eyes as he scribbled madly into his sketchbook. He looked practically homeless and Richard was automatically curious about him. "That kid...he's been on the wrong side of the tracks before," Richard thought.

Richard began stalking Charlie and noticed that he had a lot of "art" referencing his intentions for Ted Bundy. Richie couldn't tell if Charlie was attracted to Ted, in love with him, jealous of him, or just all of the three. "Probably all of the three," Richie decided.

As Richard continued to eat his sandwich, he thought about what happened in the library. He wanted to talk to Charlie, but honestly, he had no idea what to do say to him.

What do you say to someone like Charles Manson?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2022 ⏰

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