hell of a life

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Its been two months and like always I'm still on the streets hustling..... what because I got hurt y'all think ima stop grinding..

Hell nah cuh....

Anyway I'm on my way to Carmello house.

He got something for me.

I made my way too Carmello house. I didn't even ring the doorbell, I just walked in.

I found him on the couch sleep.

I took this as my payback to him for scaring me the other day.

I messed up his furniture and broke some glasses.

I grabbed some dark red ketchup he had and poured some on the floor, and some on my stomach and head.

I layed on the floor

Then I took out my gun and shot it twice and hurried up and played dead. I heard Carmello jump up.

"Liyah......... liyah..... liyah! Wake up ... plz" he yelled. It sounded like he was crying.

He kept begging me to wake up.

I felt bad and opened my eyes to see him on the ground rocking back and forth crying.

Now I feel really bad...

Man. ...

I ran to him and hugged him. His head shot up so fast.

He looked at me like I was a ghost.

I told him it was a joke and he.......

Let's just say I know not to do it again.

After that incident, me and raesha started talking on the phone.

Instead of taking the normal route, I thought I would take a shorter route.

Something told me not to go down that way, but my hardheaded self did anyway.

I walked past a group of boys. Who looked at me with seductive eyes.

I kept walking until they started following me...... next thing I know they all are surrounding me.

I told raesha I will call her later.

"I know you heard us calling you. Baby" one said.

Then another one came up from behind me and started feeling on me.

I turned around and kicked him in the soft spot for boys.

He slapped me and threw me to the ground and started punching,... then after awhile the rest of his squad joined in..

I hear my bones cracking.

I'm in so much pain my head feels like someone threw a brick at my head.

Make that eight bricks.

Then everything is quiet.

I hear them whispering. Then one of them picked me up and sat me in a tight space. I the. Hear an engine which means I am in a car bleeding to death.

We been in the car for an hour. Then we came to a stop.

I feel myself being removed from the car and thrown roughly on to the ground. Where I hit my head again on something hard. Which causes blood too ooze from my head..


Pow.......... Pow...........Pow ............ Pow....... Pow

Five shots in to my body.

My life flashes in front of my face, the good times. The bad times. Everyone I love.
I didn't even get to say goodbye, tell them I love them, hug them.
I didn't even get to put my life on track

I'm out all I see is darkness.......

Then a white light..........

I see two figures......

My mama and my sister Briyanna.
And I'm gone

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