The Wedding

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It was my sister's wedding. I hate the guy she is marrying. He is stock up and cocky. The exact opposite of my sister. "Valerie!" I hear my sister, Lola, yell. "Yea Lola", I say when I finally get over there. "I need water", Lola says. Oh my gosh, I'm thinking to myself. I now have to go all the way over to the car which is partially in the woods because there are so many people her
There was almost no parking for the bride! When I finally get to the car the side door is almost in the woods. When I open it it swings into a tree. I'm dead, I'm thinking to myself. Lola is going to kill me. That is a HUGE gash I put in her door. I start to run back to give the water to my sister and trying to think about how I'm going to tell her what I did. But, before I can do any of it I'm falling into a deep, never ending hole. Things are almost falling on me and I don't no if I will ever quit falling. In till I fall to the ground. I look around and everything looks like a cartoon. Out comes this guy that likes like a psychopath. "Hello Valerie, and Welcome to Wonderland!"

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