The Church Part 2 / I Miss you Dad!

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In the story i am going to make her older she was 21 when she was at Woodbury and turned 22 when she was at the prison  but that's passed so she can be about 23 now, also before i start the story again , Talia's style will change because she has gotten older , when she was 21 she dressed like Rosita but now she's gotten older she will dress similar to Maggie , enjoy the next part of this chapter.

~Inside the church, Talia's POV~ 

I didn't really take notice of what Rick was talking to Gabriel about , i just went and put my gun down on one of the seats in the church i turned around and sat down leaning over and resting my chin on the back of the chair infront of me.

~Few minutes later~

Rick had left to go to this place Gabriel said taking Michonne, Bob ,Sasha and Gabriel with him , he left the rest of us to make this place secure or look for any clues that he might be dangerous. I was looking into the distance when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Glenn looking at me worried , I smiled at him slightly and put my arms around his neck.

'' You okay?'' He said placing his hands on my waist.

''Yes , Glenn i am fine'' I said kissing his cheek , he nodded slightly and kissed me softly before walking away , Tara came up at the side of me making me jump when she spoke.

''He loves you , you know''

''Oh My ... You scared me Tar, I know he does and I love him'' I said chuckling.

''Rick will come back with things right like supplies?. Right?''

''Yes of course he will''

''Oh i urm got this for you before i left woodbury'' She put her hand in her jeans pocket and pulled out a picture and handed it to me, i turned it around and looked at the picture , it was of me , my dad , penny and Sarah together on our last holiday before the outbreak.

''Thank you'' I said to her , hugging her tight and watching her walk away after we pulled back. I walked into the church and sat down , i could tell Glenn was watching me. I held the picture in my hand and looked up.

''Hey dad , I dunno if you up there listening but I am fine , I think about you all the time dad , I hope your not dissapointed in me  I miss you dad. I can always hear your voice . I'm sorry i pulled the trigger, I didn't want you to suffer , I really miss you Daddy , if we get to washington in time and get this cure , i will make you proud of me , I wish you could of met Glenn, he is an amazing guy. Wait you did meet him but , nevermind , i'll check back with you tomorrow Dad , I love you''.

By the time i had finished talking to my Dad i was fighting to hold back my tears. I jumped when i heard Daryl's voice talking to me.

''Ya miss ya old man?'' He said walking towards me and sitting down next to me. I nodded at him and looked infront of me.

''I talk to him a lot. I can still see his face and I can hear his voice so clearly,Do you think that I'll ever forget? Because I'm afraid that one day I will'' I said turning my head too look at Daryl.

''I'm not sure , I see Merle's face and hear his voice calling me sumavbitch now and again, your young and your grieveing , we've gone though the same Talia, I had to kill my brother you had to kill your dad'' .

''I forgot to say sorry about Merle , he was  a good guy , he was the only one who protected me and kept me safe in Woodbury... even though he asked me a few times if i wanted too hook up with him'' I said chuckiling slightly. Daryl smiled slightly and got up and walked to the door but before he went out i heard him talk to me again.

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