1: ruin my morning

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Summary: let's just say, Y/N likes to sleep longer than Druig wants her in bed.


"Morning sunshine! It's a beautiful day for a beautiful girl to wake up!" Druig sang as he pushed the wooden door to my cabin open, only to find me wrapped up in a mess of sheets, pillows and hair.
"Christ, did you sleep with a raccoon?"

"Fuck off." My pillow muffled my voice as he came up to my bed and placed a hand on both sides of my waist to lean on top of my face that was stuffed in sheets and pillows.

"What was that? You wanna do the dirty?" He cockily questioned as he pretended to not have heard me properly.

"Fuck.off!" I groaned again, more irritated this time as I turned further into the sheets.

"Not without you I won't! You either get up and dress or I pull you out and dress you, which do you prefer?" He stated as he leaned closer to me which caused the mattress to sink further down where his hands put pressure.
I didn't reply until I felt him sneak his chin in the pit of my neck and place a rushed kiss on my collarbone.
"What if I give you a bundle of kisses?" He mumbled as he kissed the bare skin of my shoulder and then my back but I didn't react, in fact, he could probably hear my faint snores.
"How about tickles?" He pinched my waist which only resulted with him receiving a pillow in the face.
"I'm getting somewhere..." he groaned as he narrowed his eyes at me.
"What if I told you, you could have the first cold shower this morning, before Sprite takes it."
He tried to persuade me and honestly, that nearly worked but I wasn't unbearably hot this morning so the cold shower could wait for tomorrow.
"You're a pain in my ass, you know that?" He groaned in disbelief as he leaned closer to me.

"You're a pain in my ass." I replied with my raspy morning voice as I used my hand to push his face away from my neck.

"You leave me no choice then..."
He sighed as I expected him to do something but instead, he stayed motionless. I held my breath as I waited on him to grab me but he never did. Turning my head around, I peeked over my shoulder with my eyes half open, he was nowhere to be seen.

"Druig?" I questioned as I leaned on my elbows to look around the room.

"Sersi, turn on the hose!" Suddenly Druig yelled from outside causing me to panic and jump out of my bed.

"You bitch!" I screamed at him as I ran out the cabin's door that was already open and sprinted down to the shed in only my undergarments.
"That sandcastle took me two weeks, jackass!"

"You can always wake up earlier and build I new one."


Lowkey couldn't get this out of my head 😂

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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