Chapter 1

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Hey everyone! This is my first book on wattpad, you probably know me from Tiktok tho if you don't, go check it out! My name is t1ktokpad :) Well anyways, enjoy reading my first book ❤️


~ JENN ~

I wake up at my alarm groaning turning it off, first day of Brooklyn High, what a nightmare. I mean come on? Thanks for the scholarship and stuff, but I had friends at my old school! I will probably never see them again since they live 3 hours away from me!

I get out of bed walking to the bathroom door "Zane, get out!" I say knocking on the white door as I hear a click from the lock opening, finally

"It is worse enough you forced me to take the scholarship, so get out!" I say pointing at the door "Come on! You're gonna like it, and it's better for both of us if you're going to my school so I don't have to always pick you up 3 hours away from here" he says spitting out his toothpaste

"Whatever, just let me brush my teeth" I say before he leaves the bathroom, I lock the door letting my hair down brushing my teeth quickly

After I finished in the bathroom I get back to my bedroom walking to my closet grabbing a white tank top and a light blue ripped shorts

I walk down the stairs grabbing an apple taking a bite as I see Zane swinging with his car keys around his fingers waiting for me "Put on your shoes" he says before you roll your eyes at him taking the apple between your teeth putting on your shoes

The fact that my parents didn't even want a second kid is one big joke, they called me their 'miracle', well what a miracle I am

When we finally arrived at the big building with the letters 'Brooklyn High School' written on it with purple and yellow flags around it I got out of the car looking at the people, they're classic #1 high schoolers, obviously.

"Yo, Miller!" I hear a guy's voice call behind me, a voice I recognise out thousands..

I turn around facing Blake, he's my brother's best friend we've known him since my parents were still alive, he's like a big brother to me "Hey Blake" I smile "So finally getting to Brooklyn High, hm?" he smirks looking at the letters on top of the building "I had no choice since Zane forced me to" I say giving him a dead stare

"Alright! It's clear! You don't like it!" he says "Yeah well you should thought about that earlier, Einstein" I roll my eyes

"Shut up and get your schedule loser" he says pushing my back "What? How am I supposed to know where-" I say as he cuts me off "There's a map in the hallway!" he says waving at me laughing

I hate my brother.

I walk through the hallway looking for the map as I finally found it, there it is! 'Receptionists'

I grab a map out of the pile following the way to the reception, "Good morning, how can I help you?" the woman behind the desk says "Uhm, I'm looking for my week schedule" I say "Name?" she asks "Jennifer Miller" I smile lightly

"Here it is, sweetheart" the brunette woman says handing me the schedule "Thank you very much" I say grabbing it before leaving

"First off, science" I mumble walking to the class

"Good morning, you must be Jennifer" a blonde woman with black glasses says "Yeah, I call by Jenn" I smile "Great, I'm Mrs. Jackson. Take a seat" she says

I walk over to the back of the class sitting down in the corner looking around at everyone, they all look as the same, boring, classic students

I continue looking as I notice a brunette girl with light brown eyes walking over to me, I start panicking.. What does she want? Is she gonna talk to me? Please don't..

"Hi" her soft voice says "Um, hey.." I say awkwardly "You're new right?" she asks "Yes" I nod "I'm Danielle" she says sticking her hand out, I look at her hand and then back at her "Jennifer, but you can call me Jenn" I smile shaking her hand

"I totally love your hair!" she says pointing at my blonde wavy hair "Oh, thanks.." I say

After class ended I finally found my locker as a tall muscular boy with big green eyes and dark messy hair is leaning against it "Fuck" I mutter before walking up to him, when I get closer I notice Blake standing beside him, what made me a little more comfortable

"Um, hi.. you're kind of leaning against my locker" I say quietly looking into his green eyes as he looks at me raising an eyebrow

"That's Zane's little sister, man" I hear Blake whisper at the guy "Zane?" his deep voice says "Yes" I suddenly hear my brother say..

Yay life, note the sarcasm.

"How fun, another Miller in town" the green eyed boy says checking me out as Zane walks closer up to him "Don't you fucking dare to-" he says as Blake cuts him off "Alright, that's enough Miller" he says grabbing my brother's shoulders pointing at me with his eyes "Get to class Jennifer" Zane says before he walks away with Blake

Zane only calls me by my real name when he is really mad, so this guy must have done something really bad..

I slap my forehead totally embarrassed of him as I remember the boy's still standing there when I look up at him, "You're brother is an asshole, I hope you know that" he says walking past me hitting my shoulder against his

"I hate my life" I say leaning against my locker

At lunch I got to the cafeteria looking for a spot as I see Danielle walk up to me again "Hey, wanna sit with me and my friends?" she asks "Sure" I smile following her to a table in the middle of the cafeteria

I sit down next to Danielle and a brunette girl with blue eyes, woah she's pretty!

"Jenn, this is Maggie, Laura, Peter and Marcus" she says pointing at them "Nice to meet you" I smile at them awkwardly "Are you really Zane's sister?" the brunette girl besides me asks "Maggie!" Laura pokes

"I'm sorry! But everyone is talking about it!" she says "Wait what? Why?" I ask "Everyone is talking about how Axel got angry at Zane because of his 'newbie sister'" she says taking a bite from her cookie

"Great" I sigh "I didn't even know he had a sister" Marcus says "Same man" Peter says "No one did, he never told anyone" Danielle says "It's pretty obvious why, I mean.. He doesn't exactly has the best reputation" Laura says

"But he wanted me to get to this school?" I say confused "I don't know what's going on, but I do know you don't wanna get in trouble with Axel" Marcus says

Axel? The guy from the locker earlier?

"Why not" I ask "It was kinda to everyone but especially you, if I was Zane's sister I wouldn't even look at him" he says "Yeah, Zane and Axel aren't exactly 'friends'" Maggie says

"Well great to know" I mumble as the bell rings I stand up opening my schedule, "I got biology" I say "Sucks, I have PE" Danielle says waving while you wave back

First chapter done!

I hope you enjoyed, let me know in the comments for maybe ideas 💡

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