Chapter 1 - It's Tender Okay

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Hello there! Thanks for choosing to read my book! It's 3:24 am now and I look like a zombie but I just had to upload it tonight folks.

I hope you enjoy my first story on Wattpad ever! Thanks a bunch! Enjoy it please.

I slumped down on my seat, rubbing my puffy eyes like a three year old. I sit here, waiting for the stupid, overly-strict and balding teacher to arrive. Today is a disturbingly hot day and some guy with awfully shaggy hair sitting in the seat right in front of me has decided not to apply any deodorant today. Fantastic right?

US History, never was my favorite lesson. The teacher is extremely lifeless, to the point where I want to stick 6-inch nails in my ears. He drones, which makes it very impossible to pay attention for the whole lesson and I have it now, last period, Friday. Why did I even take this lesson again?

I actually spent about three hours writing my report on Joseph Stalin. No sleep, no fucking sleep I tell you! I just wore the baggiest shirt I had, coffee in hand and typed on my laptop until I finished a huge six pages worth of text and by the time I finished it was already 3:30. I indeed was about to run late this morning too and that leads to my extremely puffy eyes and unwell shaved legs. I just wore the closest thing I could find, which was a sweater that said 'I like cats' and some light blue jeans with my Tomms, slapping on a gray beanie, (which is my brother's) on my head.

Someone slam my tongue in a car door.

"Good afternoon students" Says the most boring voice I have heard in my life, strolling in the classroom and heading straight for his desk.

I sigh, burying my head in my notepad, hoping he can't see me all the way in the third row.


"So, I'll tell you who you've got as your partner now and I've already emailed everyone on behalf of your assignments" Announced Mr.Chester, holding a a tablet between his hands.

He read out the names one by one (Slowly, of course) until he got to me, I sat up and tightened the grip around my handbag's strip, everyone was stood up and since the bell is about to go in about a minute. I tapped my toes on the hard floor, humming to myself, hoping that I would get someone I actually knew since non of my friends took this class which is one of the reasons I'm quitting it next semester.

"Miss Cage, you will be working with Finn for this project" He declared.

Before I could actually blink twice and try to remember who this person is, the bell rang, making my jump slightly. Everyone rushed out of the door like a couple of bulls and obviously I followed, even though I never actually attempted to look for my partner. I fled down to the hallway, the multi colored lockers of different shades of yellow and gray. I entered my combination and pulled out my coffee thermo which is of no use to me right now but before I knew it someone tapped my shoulder, a rather long finger.


A low voice says, stretching the O at the end of the word.

I'm guessing this is Finn...

I turn around slowly to find myself facing his upper torso, he smells of cologne, strong cologne.

Of course, Finn! This Finn was my lab partner back in sophomore year.

He looks down at me with a small smile, his brown hair flicked back in messy perfection, he has an intensely tall and muscular figure which I never seemed to notice before, odd. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and look away once I noticed I had been staring at the guy who's shirt was literally inches away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2015 ⏰

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