Found Out He Cheated

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Kolby was sitting in the commons of his high school. Looking through his texts with Kevin. His sweet, loving boyfriend. Then all of a sudden one of his friends tells him that Kevin likes another girl!

Kolby looks suprised, but mostly depressed. "Who does he love more then me?" Kolby asks while choking on his tears. "I think her names Ellia.." Kolby runs off to see Kevin running like a distressed princess.

"Kevin! Why are you cheating on me?!" Kolby chokes out. Tears streaming down like the legos off the table. "Where'd you hear that from?!" Kevin stuttered with nervousness. "I heard it from Chester! I think we should break up so I can marry Chester instead..he's cuter then you!" Running off he leaves Kevin confused.

Kevin starts to tear up. 'Why did I cheat on that smexy boyfriend I had..' Kevin thinks about the things he has caused. Kevin runs into the bathroom like an emo man and starts to cry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2022 ⏰

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