Waking Up

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(hokagelindsey here ya go bestie :3 Chapters will Alternate between the self inserts unless said otherwise.)
? ? ?'s POV
'Ugh. Huh? Whats going on?'
I pushed hard against the surface in front of me. It gave way and made me collapse to the floor.
I hit the floor with a thud and slowly got up, using a desk close to me. Desk? Wait? I look up.
"What? A class room? What am I doing here?"
I look back at the locker I fell out of and dusted off my galaxy themed school uniform with my starred stockings and my galaxy themed cape.
I yelped and backed away from the other closed locker, running into a few desks.
I'm not sure of what I saw, but all I saw was a flash of purple and white.
"Damn it!" A masculine voice growled.
I saw a male with purple swiped up hair, a white and red shirt underneath a white dress shirt, a purple jacket with one arm through his sleeve. He wore purple pants and the most bizarre thing was his footwear. Slippers.
"Huh? Where am I?" He said, putting his hand up to his head, looking around before landing his eyes on me.
We both stood there for a moment, watching each other before one of us started speaking.
"W-Who are you? Are you with 'them'?" I asked, nervously grasping my arm.
"'Them?'" He asked.
"The people who kidnapped me!" I said, a little too loud.
"Ah! No! I figured you must have been with them! But due to your reaction I'll believe you aren't with them." He said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Ah. I see." I said, grabbing a part of my cape and fiddling with it.
"Anyways. I'll introduce myself! I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! Even crying children adore the Ultimate Astronaut! How about it!? I'm an astronaut! Isn't that cool!?" He smiled like an energetic child as he held his hand out for me to shake.
"Ah! Nice to meet you Momota! Im Morgan Goodlow! I'm the Ultimate Astronomer! My favorite constellation is Vulpecula! Also known as "Little Fox."" I smiled nervously, taking his hand and giving him a firm handshake.
"Ah! A common space lover I see! You must know a lot about the universe!" Kaito says excitedly.
"Y-Yeah! That's correct. I assume you do too?" I ask.
Kaito shakes his head.
"Nah. I only know basic constellations. Like the Big and Little Dipper. That't why I'm so excited to see another space lover! You can show me new constellations! That is if we get out of here." He said, going from happy to serious in a snap.
I nod.
'Yeah thats the case right about now.'
I look over at the classroom door.
"I know this sounds odd but what if we just walked out." I asked.
Kaito looked over at the door.
"You know, as stupid as that sounds I think we should. Don't worry Morgan! Kaito! Luminary of the Stars will protect you!" Kaito said as he gave me a side hug and ruffled my short, puffy hair.
He managed to almost knock my lunar hair clip from my hair. I smiled before taking my clip out, the rest of my hair falling over my face, covering my black glasses and my yellow star and moon tattoos on my face. I quickly move all of my hair up and place the clip back into position. I brushed out the rest of my hair, making sure it was all straight, then running my fingers through the nearly buzzed portion of my hair.
Then a whole bunch of small bears appeared in front of us from what seemed to be thin air behind us.
"Rise and Shine Ursine!"
I screamed as they appeared, bumping back into Kaito, who catches me before I fall.
"What are these? Teddy bears?" Kaito asked , helping me regain my posture.
The blue and white one screamed.
"Hey! We aren't teddy bears! We are the Monokubs!" The red and white one yelled.
"Ok. Then who are you?"  I asked.
"I'm Monotaro!"
"Monokid! HELL YEAH!"
"Monophanie! It's been a pleasure to meet someone as beautiful as you Miss Morgan!"
That comment made me blush softly.
"A-Ah. Thank you."
". . ."
"Oh! That's Monodam! He doesn't talk to anyone but the people he is close to."
"Alright. But where are we?" Kaito asked, looking around at the classroom.
"Ah! This place is called the Ultimate Academy for Gifted Juveniles." Monosuke spoke.
"Academy for Gifted Juveniles?" Me and Kaito asked in unison.
"I've never heard of that school." Kaito said scratching the back of his neck.
"Because it was made for you eighteen ultimate twerps!" Monotaro growled.
"E-Eighteen? Ultimates?" I whispered.
"Yep! All eighteen of ya! Go and meet your fellow Ultimates!" Monosuke said.
"So long! Bear well!" They all spoke before disappearing again.
'Ultimates? Other people are here?'
"Hey, calm down," Kaito started, turning me to face him, cradling my head in his hands.
His warm lilac eyes brought a calm feeling when I looked into them.
"It's ok Morgan! We can get through this. I promise that we'll get out alive." He said, smiling.
"How are you so sure?"
"It's just a hunch I've got. Don't worry. Im usually really good about these feelings."
'A hunch. He's gambling on our escape as a hunch. I'll trust him.'
I force a smile.
"Alrighty Kaito. I'll believe you."
Kaito smiled, interlocking our fingers so we hold hands.
"Come on then! Lets go meet the others!"
Kaito started leading me out of the class room. We walked out into the hall way to see a tall man with long, black hair and brown outfit along with a brown hat. His eyes were a sickly yellow. He gave me a lot of off vibes. I looked over and saw a girl, shorter than me, with short purple and pink hair in a ombré effect.
"Ah Hello!" The shorter of the smiled, waving eccentrically.
"Hi!" Kaito smiled in response.
"Greetings." The taller individual said.
"Hi." I shyly waved, staying partly behind Kaito.
The other girl looked at me and smiled.
"I'm Riven! The Ultimate Cartoonist." She said, smiling brightly.
"And I'm Korekiyo. The Ultimate Anthropologist."
"I'm Kaito Momota! Luminary of The Stars! The Ulitimate Astronaut! And this is my sidekick! Morgan! The Ultimate Astronomer!" Kaito introduced us, realizing my shyness.
"She is your sidekick?" Korekiyo asked, raising an eyebrow.
"I'm no one's side kick." I replied, pulling my hand out of Kaito's and pulling at a edge of my cape.
"I see. Anyway. I hope we can get along well." Korekiyo nodded.
"Me too!" Riven smiled.
"Of course!" Kaito smiled.
"Sure." I said shyly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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