Katy Riddle

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Chapter 1

Spinners End

Typical! My god fathers woken me at 4am again to make sure I have everything and catch the Hogwarts express on time. I don't even have to be at Kings Cross until eleven. I suppose it is my first year there, well sort of, I mean I've been to Hogwarts loads of times before, but only because my god father teaches potions there. Professor Snape is what they all call him, I suppose I called him Severus, except when he's having one of his tantrums, then I call him Professor Grumpy. I've lived with Severus for as long as I can remember and he is like a father to me, he basically is my father, but I don't say all the sappy muggle stuff.

Of course by now you all must wonder who I am, Katy Riddle is my name, I am eleven years old and I am witch, who is now a student at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. I wouldn't exactly say student, Severus has been teaching me all about potions and magic since the age of five, Hogwarts is going to be a fly in the sky for me, I hope. I think it's a good thing though, Professor Dumbledore the Hogwarts headmaster has sort of sent me on a special task, I'm meant to be watching over a boy the same age as me called Harry Potter.

He has a rather sad story, I mean his parents were killed by one of the most feared wizards of our time, whose name I dare not say and from what I heard, his uncle and Aunt he was forced to live with are the foulest of Muggles. Muggles are none magical humans if you we're wondering. Harry is meant to be in my care until he leaves school, and hopefully my secret reminds a secret until I can find a time to tell him. It was my father who killed his parents, Tom Riddle was his name, known by another name to others, but he is long gone now, after young Harry, the boy who lived defeated him when he was just a baby. For that I am thankful for, Tom was a horrid man, who was sick and impure, I am just happy very few witches and wizard know of my relation to him and none will speak of it due to the fact they would rather not anger Professor Dumbledore. But enough of sad times I need to get out of bed and get ready for School.

I clamber out of bed and stare at the dimly lit window through hazy eyes. I was not a morning person, nor did I ever intend to be. My wand lay on my beside table, 12 and 3/4 inches from Olivanders, nothing special really and my lesson books are all over my bedroom floor, I think I've read them all about a thousand times. There fascinating and funny, witches and wizards are clueless about Muggles. My trunk is sat at the end of my bed, filled with clothes and school supplies and my broom stick, oh I forgot about that, his been locked in the cellar, unfortunately I'm not allowed it at Hogwarts when I'm only a first year.

But back to getting ready, there was something I needed to do this morning apart from all that other stuff, oh yes I need to send an owl to Harry, telling him where to meet me. There was a knock at my door 'come in,' I said sounding more asleep than awake. The door opened slowly and my god father looking grumpy as usual entered. My god father had shoulder length black hair and a hooked nose and in all honestly a face which would terrify children, I guess that was his job, but I would appreciate him smiling around the house a little more.

'Are you ready?' He said in his deep sarcastic voice.

'Do I honestly look as though I am?' I say, standing in my pyjamas.

'Katy,' he sighed. 'Don't... Don't be like this, not today.'

'Sorry Severus, it's just going to be weird, not waking up here everyday and not being able to speak to you whenever I chose,' I say, trying to sound somewhat sad, he wasn't convinced though, but a smirk did take to his lips.

'Nice try, get ready,' he said leaving my room.

'Severus, before you go,' I stare at the books all over my bedroom floor.

He sighs and takes out his wand and with a flick of the wrist the books vanish and reappear in the trunk. I would do it myself, but because of my family name the ministry of magic would surely arrest me for using magic outside of Hogwarts.

'Thanks,' I say with the sweetest smile I can muster.

Even he can't resist a slight laugh as he leaves my bedroom.

I approach my writing desk in the corner of my bedroom, take out a piece of parchment and a quill. I need to think of something plain and simple to write, Harry only found out he was a wizard a few weeks ago and he wasn't too sure what was going on exactly. I couldn't speak of the magic platform in King Cross between platforms 9 and 10, he'd be completely bamboozled. I should just meet him at the entrance to Kings Cross, that's it I'll meet him there, that's simple, but he doesn't know what I look like. Ok I'll just tell him the basics.

'Dear Harry...' I scrunch up the piece of parchment. Too formal.

'Harry, as Hagrid has told you I am to be the person you meet at King Cross. As you know my name is Katy Riddle, look for a long dark haired girl at the entrance to Kings Cross Station.'

That should do, I stand back to look at my handy work. Not the best letter I've written. I throw my quill back onto my desk and roll up the parchment, holding it in place with a piece of string. I'll send that in a minute, after a get ready.

It doesn't take me long to get changed, jeans and a t shirt should do, I don't need to get all dressed up, it's only a train journey. I take my wand and place it in my sock under my jeans and take one last glance around my bedroom to make sure I haven't forgotten anything. I think I've remembered everything, if not I can always send Severus back home.

After one last glance I leave my room and descended the stairs, directly outside of my door. I find Severus pacing back and forth in the living room, mumbling about something's I don't care to listen to. I go to the kitchen and sit at the dinning table. Severus has made me breakfast for once, a bowl of cereal, at least he tried.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2013 ⏰

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