Burning flames

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"She had to get there preciseley when Nadine kissed me," Harry bit out hitting the wall. He didn't really like letting his anger get the best of him but he had so many emotions buliding up inside of him he had to let it out somehow. It wasn't already bad enough that he had gotten drunk and cheated on her, but to top it all off she had to have gotten there when Nadine basically threw herself on him. 

He couldn't really blame her though, after all he did, techincally, lead her on. He was just so tired of this back and forth thing with Taylor about her not trusting him over a stupid mistake he did of letting her leave on that stupid boat when he was 18. It was just too much, the backlash they got from the media and the fans, it was something he had never dealt with before and it scared him. He was still a kid who wasn't ready for it. They both had some growing up to do and definitley learned from their mistakes from the first time they tried at a realtionship, but that still didn't mean it wasn't hard. Harry loved her, he really did and it wasn't that he was tired of her he was just tired of all her insecurties that she tried to twist in to making them his flaws.

 Although it was both of them who got the backlash, it was safe to say Taylor was the one who really ended up with the short end of the stick. And because of it she was so hell bent on keeping them a secret this time, keeping them hidden behind closed doors. The relationship was different too. She closed herself off to him, it was like she didn't want to let him in. Not completely, anyway. She was reserved and careful with herself around him as if she was protecting herself from him. Like she had build this wall that seemed so impossible to get through he began to wonder if he ever would. Harry understood she was scared of it happening all over again, but it fucking hurt. He wasn't the same boy he was when they first met and he wished Taylor could see it. He was more mature now, ready for anything and everything that was thrown their way because she was by his side.

So what did he do after having a huge fight with Taylor? 

He called Nadine, (a girl he knew had feelings for him) asked her to go the bar with him and got shit-faced drunk. 

It was never supposed to escalate to the point of them sleeping together. All Harry really wanted was to get back at Taylor because maybe her seeing a picture of him and Nadine together would make her see that he might not be aroud forever (it sounded better in his mind). When he woke up the next day with the nasiest hang-over he ever had and a naked Nadine sleeping beside him on the bed, him equally as naked, he knew he had fucked up. He quickly jumped out of the bed as if it would burn him if he stood any longer and he drove straight to his house in LA which was , cruely ironic, a few houses away from Taylor's. 

So many things were running through his mind, it only caused the aching in his head to intensify. How much had he drank? Who made the first move? How was he going to tell Taylor? It was pretty much a guarantee that she was going to break up with him when she found out but he coudln't let her go. Not again and certainly not like this. 

Initally Harry had planned to not tell her anything (because it was (another) stupid mistake that he didn't mean and was it really worth losing his entire world?) but that soon proved to be harder than he thought when everytime she looked at him with those blue eyes full of love, the need of security, worry, and fear, he could feel the guilt eating him up inside. He didn't deserve that look, he didn't deserve to kiss her and hold her, he didn't even deserve to have her beautiful lips say his name. That was when he knew he had to tell her before she found out from someone else. Along with the help of the lads, he convinced Taylor to go on vacation with him with the excuse of wanting to get away from everybody and just focous on each other.  He was going to tell her then.


On the day they were supposed to leave, she somehow found out slapped him in to next week telling him she never wanted to see him, and ran away. 

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