𝐨𝐧𝐞. 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐚𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐞𝐝

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Kurosaki Ichigo knew of three worlds and lived in two. Magic, the Wizarding World, Muyo*, the Non-magical World, and the Afterlife. Whichever world someone is sent to when passed was something Ichigo was not told of explicitly, mostly due to her young age.

Ichigo thought it was stupid when she was six years old, and she still thinks it's stupid now that she's nine years old. She is not amused when her mother laughs, when her father lies, and when Death watches silently each time she asks.

She stays quiet after Masaki is killed. Death does not explain, but Ichigo understands. Afterlife will be something she will learn of when she is older. Death promises, and Ichigo knows she won't break that promise.

Ichigo continues through life in Magic and Muyo, ostracized in both even though she doesn't care. And then some stupid rumors come up that she's practicing the Dark Arts and Ichigo gets expelled from Mahōtokoro* with her wand snapped at age 11.

It was completely stupid! She didn't even get caught when she was practicing the Dark Arts and it was because of a fake rumor that got her expelled! It even got the twins expelled, and that made her pissed. Ichigo is not amused when Death just laughs and gives her a frostbitten kiss.

Well, she never really needed a wand to perform magic. It was just safer, especially when she experimented. Her younger twin sisters are not amused by the burns and cuts on her hands and arms every night.

At least she can catch up with her Muyo friends now. Or, her Muyo friend. It was after she attends Muyo school for the first time that she even noticed only her first friend and best friend had stayed waiting for her.

Ichigo didn't deserve Arisawa Tatsuki, but she will never take it for granted. If Tatsuki wants to stay with Ichigo, then Ichigo will let her. She would never force her friends to stay with her or to leave her.

Ichigo left the Wizarding World after she and her sisters were wrongfully expelled. They searched for them, scared that the rumors were true, but wizards were backwards and stunted, even in Japan. It was easy to hide among the Muyo as a somewhat normal family.

Her family has been doing it ever since she could remember. The only difference, is she doesn't have a place that she can showcase her magic freely anymore. It made life normal, if a bit bland.

That's okay, though.

Ichigo looks up from her book, blinking rapidly when she sees a black swallowtail butterfly flutter into her room. She glances at her window and sees that it was still closed. She watches with wide eyes as a girl, appearing around her age, fades through her bedroom wall and silently lands on the floor.

She was dressed in an odd garment of a black kosode and black hakama with a sheathed katana attached to her left hip. She wore tabi socks and waraji sandals on her feet, making Ichigo tilt her head.

"A spirit?" Ichigo turns in her seat and closes her book.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" Ichigo asks as the spirit looks around. The spirit doesn't even spare a glance towards the orange haired teenager.

"It is near..." She states softly to herself. Ichigo scowls at being ignored and stands up.

"What's near?" The spirit still doesn't even look at Ichigo. "Hey, I'm talking to you!"

Ichigo growls with a scowl and raises her foot. The spirit yelps in surprise as she falls to the floor after Ichigo kicks her backside.

"When you break into someone's room, it's rude to ignore them spirit!" Ichigo states loudly, lowering her foot with her hands placed on her hips.

𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙, 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙, 𝕍𝕚𝕟𝕕𝕚𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝔹𝕚- »« 𝙱𝙻𝙴𝙰𝙲𝙷/𝐡𝐩Where stories live. Discover now