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y/n x Chris 

y/n pov

I am shopping in my local grocery shop just for food for this week when a very attractive group off boys walk my way one of them really caught your eye though he was wearing a blue hat and and a nike jacket but me be being me I just look in front of me looking at all the different pastas you heard a boy say " go ask her for her number don't be pussy " you just thought they where on call of something until you felt a tap on your shoulder.

Chris pov

me , matt and nick where looking for things to do for our YouTube video this week we decided of a cooking video we turned down the past isle till I found a vey attractive girl there I kinda froze.

" quit staring and go ask for her number " matt said from beside me 

it had kinda taken me of guard but I know I had to take the chance I walked upon to her and she was even more beautiful up close she had these stunning y/e/c and had the best style I tapped her on the shoulder and I get a bit nervous and I have never felt this way 

" hi im chis " I said ... dang it I should have said something else 

" hi im y/.n nice to meet you " she said dang I can listen to that voice for ever 

" I say you down the other end of the isle and thought you where really pretty I was wondering maybe if I can get your number " I said very nervous but not showing it I could here my brothers laughing 

" yeah sure your vey good looking to " y/n said 

we each pulled each others phones out and handed them to each other I put my name in her phone as Chris grocery shop dude we handed back each others phones and I smiled to myself knowing that will be my wife one day

I walk back to my brothers with the biggest smile on my face

we texted every day for the next few weeks and got to know each other very well we ended up being boyfriend and girlfriend only after 1 month of meeting 


" and that's the story of meeting my now beloved wife y/n " I said as everyone cheered once I finished my vows   


I am so sorry this is my first one if you have any ideas or want one just send me a notification and I will try  my best to do it the way you want it to be done

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