1.Chapter:How it all began...

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No one's POV:

The sky was grey almost black color.Half of Paris was destroyed.Buildings were broken.Some confused civilans wondering ,How did this hapoen?,others worried  for their lives....while someone would thought:,I guess thats normal LB will come and save the day like always.Exept that they dont know that shes the akumatized one. Lets go to 6 hours ago...


Six hours ago.....

Marinette's POV:

My life was a mess.Its so stressing.Today is two weeks after Master Fu passed miracle box to me.Now im the guardian of the miracle box.Lie-la made up some lies about me bullying and threatening her.At first i thought that was a really dumb lie and that no one will believe her but i was proven wrong.My class all believed her.They started bullying me.And i was moved to the back because Lie-la aparently had some problems with her schoolwork so she asked Ms.Bustier if she could move to the front behind Adrien so he could help her with schoolwork.Ms.Bustier then said that she could sit in my seat.I normally would start protesting but Alya quickly shoved me to back and leaded Lie-la to the front.I was angry that no one even asked for my opinion.I silently got to back row and sat down alone since everyone believed her they all distanced themselfes from me so no one decided to sit next to me.Adrien,well he didnt believe her but when i was about to expose her lies he grabbed my shoulder and said that i should leave Lie-la alone since she isnt causing anyone pain and that if she got exposed she would get akumatized.I was furious at him,,So it doesnt matter if i get akumatized,huh" i thought.Chat Noir become even more pushier than before.Hes always joking around even when because of that we almost died.After every patrol hes saying how ,,We were meant to be,we are yin and yang,lets reveal our identitys so we can get merried".No matter how many times i told him i wasnt intsested in him that way he ways continues and sometimes its really annoying.I finished writing my diary and got up from the floor.I walked towards my balcony and sat at my chair.I pulled out my sketchbook and started sketching some designs for Jagged Stone.When i was eleven years old i had some...well lets call it..dark thoughts.Some of them were to cut myself,some were to kill myself and others were about how i didnt deserve anything.My loving family,my friends(well not friends anymore but it was in past).But i stopped thinking these like thoughts when i was 13.Well,seems like they are coming back though.Right now i was roo busy thinking of these ,dark thoughts,that i didnt notice a certain purple kwami,Nooroo.When i senses someones presence i looked up and saw it glowing with purple butterfly mask around his eyes which were completely white.I was confused at first because why would Noroo come here after all those years.
But when i saw him glowing i knew at that moment he was  going to akumatize me.I started to panic and my eyes were wide as saucers.Then i sudenly felt so much pain that i could feel tears piercieng at the corner of my eyes.I started to scream but it was like being under the water and screaming.Soon there were some purple almost black bubbles suronding my whole body.


Hi,i just wanted to say some things:
1.-no hate for chat noir i only maded him like this so i could write this like i planned to
2.-Hope you enjoyed!Next chapter is going to be out today.


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