Take My Wings

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Curi gazed up at his towering father, who bellowed at him, "How dare you disrespect me and our family name!" Curi hung his head in shame and felt tears welling up in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Father. Please forgive me," he pleaded.

"Forgive you? You've disgraced our family just to satisfy your desires!" Father's eyes blazed with pure hatred as he looked down on Curi. Taking a deep breath, Curi asked, "I don't understand... Why can't I be allowed to love whom I want?" He searched his father's face for an answer, and his eyes met those of his brother, sister, and mother.

Curi's sister wept silently as she hugged herself in shame for him. His brother stood with his arms crossed, his tired eyes filled with disappointment, while his mother - the woman he would do anything for - regarded him with even greater shame. Shame was the only thing Curi could see and feel in the room.

"Because your love is a sin! How dare you sin in my house? Why must you do this to us?" his father roared, his voice dripping with contempt. "We've loved you from the moment you were born! And you repay us like this?".

Suddenly Curi felt rage. "You're supposed to love me!". He yelled, for the first time he yelled at his father. It's weird to think that was a foreign thought to him before. "And how dare I love someone! As if you don't preach it - as if the Bible itself doesn't scream it! How dare I love someone? What about the unconditional love you-,", he never got to finish. No.

He was slapped to the floor. He heard a gasp from his sister as he was soon ushered out by his mother. Leaving only him, his father, and his brother.

His brother only grimaced. "How dare you speak to me that way! You take too much pride in yourself. Do you know who else was too prideful?"

Curi held his face, turning red, and tears streamed down his face. He knew who.

"He wanted more for the people -" he tried to protest, but he was grabbed by the neck and pulled up.

Suddenly, he couldn't breathe. Tears streamed down, and he struggled against his father's iron grip.

"Father." He faintly heard his brother call out, low and threatening. He was then thrown against a wall. He fell with a loud thud he barely pulled himself onto his knees when he felt a hard push on his back. "You want to know what it's like to fall?". And then, the worst pain he's ever felt emerged.

"Father!" His brother's voice raised, but that didn't stop him. As he pulled, he felt his wings being torn out. He screamed in agony, filling the house. And then they were off his back. He gasped as he felt them pull off. The pain was burning, but the shock cooled it. Years streamed down his face, and he tried to take deep breaths in.

His father - the man whom he loved since the beginning - ripped his wings. He felt the blood pool down on the floor. His white clothes are slowly stained with gold.

But his father didn't stop, he grabbed his antenna the same one he would laugh at when they spiked and tugged and the pain rose again. Only this time, his brother stopped it. "Enough!" He felt the foot on his back, allowing him to breathe in more air. He'd never heard his brother's voice, so... angry. He slowly turned his head away from his father, who laid on the floor. His brother looked so angry. There was nothing but fury in his eyes.

"You're done more than enough! Get out!", Pat, his brother, gritted through his teeth, his eyes blazing with the same fury his father held. He watched as his father left the room, not without a final glance, guilt. Why was he guilty?

Curi looked up at his brother, as he came in front of him, cupping his face. "You're an idiot."

All Curi could do at that moment was cry. Loud ugly cries left his mouth. Pat sat on his knees and reached for Curi's legs as to cause as little pain to his back, still bleeding. His right arm went around the back of his neck, his left around his stomach, and he hugged him. Curi weakly hugged him back as he cried loudly.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12 ⏰

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