Chapter Twenty Nine "Just The Beginning"

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[25th June 2020, Friday]
{3:45 p.m.}

In the blue sky with the sun, a dark blue and white helicopter which was flying appeared from the white clouds. From the looks of the helicopter, it could be easily seen as a police helicopter. Inside of it were three people who were in their police uniforms. The helicopter landed on an island soon after as the three people walked out of their flying vehicle.

"WE HAVE REACHED OUR DESTINATION!" One of them shouted in excitement. The other one smashed the back of his head as he glared at him. "Don't be so loud, you idiot! We are on an island with who knows what's on it so be quiet!" He stated in anger as the third person facepalming at them.

"Oompa, Oof... just please don't start an argument again at the start of our mission" The third person exclaimed, easily seen as the leader out of the three.

"And TBVG needs to stop being the cocking leader" The first person called 'Oompa' mocked in a teasing tone as Oof chucked along. "Oh ok- I don't have time to listen to you two teasing me again" TBVG ended the conversation.

Oompa rolled his eyes in response but stayed silent after that. "So, what should we do now?" He asked, looking at the other two. "From the looks of this" Oof started, pointing at the forest which was already burned to ashes. "It could been easily seen that the fire we saw yesterday had already stopped but the main part is this" He explained, pointing at the footprints on the sand.

"Footprints... there's people on this island!" TBVG concluded. "Wait- so u think there are people on this island who set the forest on fire for... who knows why-?!" Oompa questioned once again, giving out his guesses. "Well- I didn't actually think of that but it's a good point" The leader pointed out.

"We could try find the people on this island for some information on why the forest caught on fire" Oof suggested which earned some nods of agreement.


Ally narrowed her eyes at the three unknown people with weird blue uniforms. She was chasing Socks's other friends while leaving the orange spaceman in shock in the burned forest. She didn't expected to come across with some people at the seaside.

Filled with curiosity, Ally stopped her tracks of chasing her targets as she climbed on a tree which didn't have leaves to cover her but she could just turn invisible. She sat on a branch that can hold her weight and listened to their conversation.

After knowing that those three people were police officers and were on the island cause of the fire that she set, Ally watched them left their spot, walking in the forest, leaving their helicopter behind. She casted a look at the vehicle that she never met before and smirked when a plan came into her plan.

"Looks like someone joined the party~"

[25th June 2020, Friday]
{4:00 p.m.}

"Did we lost her?" Joocie whispered to his friends, peeking out from their hiding spot which was a new cave that they never found before. Honestly, it was quite smaller than their previous one but they didn't have a choice.

"I can't see her anymore so I think we lost her" Meme answered, taking some deep breathes from all the running they went through a few seconds ago. "Ok-! Do anyone know who the heck is that girl?" Blaza exclaimed aloud, looking at his other friends who were all shook their heads in response. "I think Socks knows who's she is though" Woolf added.

"Well- whoever she is... we're in great danger right now" Joocie concluded. "I guess our only options is to hide inside here for a moment" Meme stated, let out a tired laugh. "After that, we are definitely going to get some answers from Socks" He added, slowly let the tiredness kicking in.


Nadwe stared at nothing particularly blankly. He and his other spirits friends including Dino were all now trapped in the glass tube that Dino mentioned to them before something in it cancel their powers. To be honest, it was really boring for all of them as they could only sat in the glass tube and do nothing.

Nadwe glanced at his friends who were all asleep beside him. Spirits don't really need any sleep since they were already dead but it was too boring for most of them so they decided to take a nap apart from Nadwe who couldn't even fall asleep on the hard cold metal beneath him.

"Oh? Looks who's still awake!" Nadwe glanced up to see the actual murderer in front of him. He and the others don't know who she is but Dino slightly explained about the fact that she is a dark spirit who died with hatred and anger, along with different kind of dark powers including possession which explains about Blaza's sudden disappearance.

"Ya, it's quite boring in here... uhh" Nadwe stopped when he just realised he didn't really know the murderer's name. The figure seems to know what's he thinking. "The name's Ally" she answered with a calm tone, walking up to him with her adult form.

(Me: Remember she can shape shift like in the last chapter so she normally is in her adult form which is the form we see in the videos instead in her child form)

"Ok then, Ally- Any reasons on why are you killing us in our wonderful vacation but got destroyed by you?" Nadwe questioned with a teasing tone. Ally gave out a soft laugh. "Why are you all asking the same thing when we are talking?" She exclaimed with annoyed. "Cause I don't know you and you already killed me and the others so I want answers" The 14 year old kid shot back in anger. It wasn't really a good thing to talk to the person whom literally pushed him off the cliff but it was better than boredom.

"Answers? You want answers from everything, Nadwe. Including Socks's time travel secret" Ally said in her usually deep tone with a smirk as Nadwe gasped in surprise. "How did you-" He exclaimed in shock but was interrupted by the murderer.

"How did I know about that? Cause I was the one who made him go back to the past!" Ally snapped at him aloud and surprisingly didn't woke up anyone at all. "You... made him... go...time... but why?" Nadwe processed the words and questioned the last part with a raised eyebrow.

"It was an accident. Before I killed Socks, he got the item that stopped our spirit powers from this basement that he found out in the past. That item didn't cancel my powers but only make it go crazy or weaken it." Ally explained in deep tone. "When he died, the item was still with him and in the end I sent him back to the past by accident when I found the item in his pocket." She finished with a glare.

"..What is the item?" Nadwe asked a dumb question. "Why would I tell you?" Ally immediately shot back with another glare. "I was already winning that time but that traitor had a back up plan. So, this time I hid the item somewhere where none of you will get it!" She stated in the deep tone again, startling the 14 year old kid. Nadwe didn't respond as he stared at Ally with fear.

"Oh- I also know the secret between you and Meme" Ally stated with a smirk. "So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut or you know what's gonna happen" She said in a threatening way as Nadwe nodded in response. He sighed in relief as he watched Ally was out of his sights but was not letting his guard down.

"That's a lot of information..." Nadwe mumbled.

Chapter Twenty Nine 🤷🏻‍♀️

Summary: The murderer, Ally saw three uninvited visitors on the island and revealed the truth about Socks's time travel secret to Nadwe while the others were hiding from Ally.

This chapter is finally done after two weeks-
Well- Ally just accidentally revealed her weakness to Nadwe... she died as a child so she's still has a brain of a child.

Hope you all enjoy!!!

Words Count: 1389

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