Friend Zoned? X SJR

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 By: B & J 

A/N: A/N: Warning: this is my original written work, if you don't have permission don't copy or repost my work. I will report you for theft.

plot: Sergio wants to be more than friends but does Y/N feel the same way? 

Read to find out what happens. 

S: “Y/N, wait up!” *runs and catches up with you*

Y/N: “Hey Serg! I thought you had rehearsal today.”

S: “I did, but it got canceled. So I thought I would walk you home.” *smiles and grabs your hand* “Today's a nice day to go to the beach and hang out.”

Y/N: “Yeah it is, I feel like it's been forever since we went to the beach together.” *looks at their intertwined hands* “Let’s go!”

*At the beach*

Y/N: “Hey Serg!” *smirks and waits for him to turn around*

S: “Ye-“ *gets water splashed in his face* “Oh you're in big trouble now! I'm giving you 5 seconds to run.” *starts counting down*

Y/N: “Oh no!” *takes off running* “You'll never catch me!!” *tries to outrun him*

Your legs could only carry you so far till you find yourself slowing down. This is when you wish you spent more time exercising instead of being lazy. Sergio easily catches up with you. 

S: “Got you, Bebecita!” *he wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kisses your cheek* “You look so beautiful.” *he turns your face to look at him and he slowly leans in*

Y/N: *sees people taking pictures and pulls away from him* “Sergio, people are taking pictures and probably videos!” *you go back to where your stuff is and grab your backpack*

S: *watches you gather your things* “Please don’t let them bother you! I’ll leave if you want me to…”

Y/N: “No, I’m leaving!” *you throw on your hat and sunglasses you had in your backpack and run away from the beach with your head down so the cameras could no longer catch your face*

Sergio stood in the sand frozen watching you run away, unsure if he should chase after you or let you be on your own. He held back tears in his eyes, unaware of the teenage girl approaching him with her phone, getting a close up of his face and running back in the direction she had come from, giggling along the way. That’s when he decided to grab his things and go home, since it had been a long day and he was no longer in the mood to speak to or even look at anyone.

*Sergio’s house*

Joe: "Hey bro!" *sees his tears* "Have you been crying?" *hugs him and rubs his back* "Is this about Y/N? Bro I promise there are many other girls out there who would love to be your girlfriend."

S: “I don't want another girl!” *pushes him off* "I want Y/N. She's been there for me through it all. When I didn't want to play soccer anymore, she was there to help me tell Mom and Dad I wanted to pursue music instead. She brightens up my day every time I see her face to face or we talk on the phone. She was there for me when Angela and I broke up. I almost kissed her today and she pushed me off because people were staring and taking pictures and videos and she pulled away and took off then a fan came up to me and took a photo of me crying!" *he lies on his bed face down*

Joe: “You know I hate seeing you like this Serg… I suggest leaving her alone for the rest of the day and text her tomorrow and ask her if you guys could talk somewhere privately.”

S: *lifts face off pillow wiping tears away with the sleeve of his sweatshirt* “What if she doesn’t wanna talk to me?” *sniffles*

Joe: “Then like I said before, there are plenty of other girls out there.”

S: “I DON’T WANT ANY OTHER GIRL JOSEPH! Please don’t turn this into another dino nugget fight from sixth grade…”

They both start laughing. 

Joe: “That was ridiculous, wasn’t it?”

S: “We were 10, and I had a reason!” *throws pillow at him*

Joe: “Yeah, you don’t know how to share your food!” *throws pillow back*

Sergio gets angry again. 

S: “SCREW YOU JOE!” *he gets off his bed and storms out of the room and leaves the house*

*Your house*

Sergio uses the key your family gave him to unlock the front door and goes up to your room, knocking on the door. 

Y/N: “Who is it?” *you thought no one was home, got scared and grabbed your pepper spray*

S: “It’s me Sergio” *waits for you to open the door*
 “Look… I’m so sorry for what happened. I know you like your privacy. I shouldn’t have tried to kiss you on the beach in front of everyone. But damn it, I’m in love with you Y/N! You mean the world to me. I know you just wanna be friends, but I would really love to be your boyfriend. 

You put the pepper spray down and walk toward the door, standing in front of it hesitantly. 

S: “Y/N?”

Y/N: *opens the door slowly* “Oh my gosh Serg you look terrible!”

S: “Gee thanks…” *sniffles and quickly wipes a tear away hoping you won’t notice*

Y/N: “I know you’ve been crying, come in.” *you open the door wide and let him inside, shutting it behind him*

Sergio sits on the bed next to you. You grab his right hand with both of yours and look into his watery dark brown eyes that had turned red from all the crying. 

Y/N: “Sergio… after what happened today, I can tell you really care about me. No one would ever go so far out of their way for someone like me. I feel so bad for making you cry because the truth is I love you too… a lot. I was just very anxious in the moment and didn’t know what to do, so I lashed out and I’m so sorry for that. I didn’t want to kiss you in front of all those people at the beach, but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to kiss you right here… right now.” *you move your body closer to him*

S: *puts his hands on your waist* “You’re so beautiful” *rubs his nose on yours slowly and gently* “May I kiss you?” *he sees you nod your head so he moves your hair behind your ear and leans in slowly* “If you don’t wanna kiss me, we can stop.”

Y/N: *grabs his face* “Shut up and kiss me already.” *you pull him closer and kiss him, feeling sparks* “Woah, that was…amazing.” *blushes and hides in his neck*

S: “You’re so cute.” *he smiles and kisses your head* “So what do you say beautiful? Can I finally get out of the friend zone and be your boyfriend?” *he bites his lip since he’s really nervous and wants to be your boyfriend*

Y/N: *pulls away and kisses him again* “Yes I will finally be your girlfriend.” *smiles and hugs him tightly* “I love you Sergio, thank you for being my best friend for years and now my boyfriend.” *smiles widely*

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