Chapter one: Discovery

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It started out as an ordinary cloudy day in Pennsylvania.....Who knew it would turn into the best day of my life yet my worst nightmare?

It was the day I fell head over heels in LOVE with Hubert Hansen's Lemonade.


"Hey Sel, lets go to the store, we need to get some snacks for the Superbowl" my room mate Katie says as she throws me my jacket.

"Sure hold on"

I made a list of all my favorite snack foods then grabbed my wad of cash hidden in my dresser.

"Lets go" me and katie synchronised as we shut the door behind us.

Once we get in the car we put on Justin Bieber and jam out singing badly to his heavenly music.

Before we knew it, we arrived at a local Walmart and parked the car. When we walked in, an aroma of freshly cooked food from the bakery hit me right in the face. How I loved the smell of freshly baked bread.

We grab all of our faborite junk foods and put them in the cart. Then we swing by the drink aisle to get some Pepsi when something catches my eye. Its lemonade. Hubert's Lemonade. Hmmm....

"Hey Katie...can we get lemonade?" I ask holding up the four pack examining it.

Hubert Hansen's Lemonade. Made with sunshine, passion, & sweet lemons since 1935.

"Sure, I guess we could try it, put it in the cart" Katie gestures the cart towards me. I put the lemonade in the cart and walk away with Katie to checkout.

Hopping in the pitch black car listening to Bieber once more, we head back to our dorm at Bucknell University.



Dont think im wierd for doing this, i just felt like writing a wierd story so shutup!

This is gunna be a great story for you if you are wierd. Haha. <3

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