After So Long

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The amber gold sunset and fluffy peach clouds filled the skyline of Craig's open window. It wasn't that cold in South Park today, at least outside.

Inside, Craig struggled to find any warmth in his current state. His life was painful now, having to talk to people he doesn't even like. Highschool was supposed to be spent driving around in his car with them...not like this. Not like this..

He clenched his jaw, and ran his tongue across his navy blue braces. He stared down at his report card, trying to figure out a plan to ensure his parents wouldn't see the straight Fs. His one B, in Band. He thought about just crumpling it up in his fist and hiding it at the bottom of his trash, but even if he hid the report card itself, his parents would still find out when the school calls wondering why it isn't signed.

He just exhaled through his nose and pushed it out of the way as he rested his head on his cluttered desk.

Ever since it happened, Craig struggled to find a way to keep going. A reason to keep it up. Something.

He missed Tweak. He missed Kenny. What could he do now though? It was too late to save his dead friends. Maybe if he died he'd meet them again. But..No. He belonged in hell. If his parents were right about the religious bullshit, he wouldn't see them. Kenny and Tweak, they were good people. They probably went to heaven. That is, if death isn't just an empty void without thought or feeling.

He blinked away the tears that always came when he thought about Tweak and Kenny. It's been over 8 years, why can't he move on like everyone else? They all seem so happy. Even Kenny's best friends seemingly forgot he was even here.

Craig sat up, popping his back and hands. He put a hand on his face as he grasped the report. His face was hot, and his eyes were watery.

He stood up and walked, mechanically almost towards the peeling white door. He opened it and slipped into the hallway, the silence was loud, pounding in his ears.

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