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Love, as lovely it may be
is nothing,
but a word to me

Love, written on a letter
beautiful, it seems
blood coloring your face
and to your heart,
it streams

you ran,
want to give the letter,
give it right to them

you stop,
they have a letter too,
but, oh this letter's not for you

Love, as lovely it may be
is nothing,
but a word to me

Love, written with them scissors
beautiful, it seems
blood coloring your wrist
and to the floor,
it streams

you fall,
want to feel some pain,
feel something at all

you blink,
red ink is coming out,
so that's what your live's all about

Love, as lovely it may be
was nothing,
but a lie to me

"as paper's made to cut it,
   I will cut right through
  don't cry for me, I promise
  my light in live was you"

Love, written on a gravestone
beautiful, it seemed
tears falling down their faces,
just like your blood once,

Love, as lovely it may be
is nothing,
but a word you see


never forget you're worth to be loved and are carred about <3

If you're experiencing any feelings, like wanting to harm yourself in any way, please make sure to talk about it with someone you trust. If there is no person like this, you can finde some great hotlines to call when you feel suicidal online by just googling. they'll take you serious and talk to you about all your problems.

keep in minde: suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem

stay safe <3

with all of that said,
thank you for reading my first poem, I hope you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. It'd be nice if you could tell me in the comments how you liked it

bye bye

(p.s. who of you knows what the title says? xD)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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