IV. Choosing Green

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Four.                Choosing Green

        Ivy Jacobs had finally decided for once in her life, she was choosing green instead of red

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        Ivy Jacobs had finally decided for once in her life, she was choosing green instead of red. She was finally rolling her car to a start, her petals didn't work, but her legs did. And, so, she . . .

     "Hey!" Laurie said his final goodbyes to a football player, before he looked towards a very giddy Ivy. He smiled gently, but it didn't reach his eyes like it normally did— and if she wasn't so happy, she would've noticed. Because she noticed when something was wrong with everyone else but herself.

    "Hey, V." His voice was kind of soft, the voice your parents use when they're telling you a bedtime story when you're a kid. Ivy liked that voice. It reminded her when her family wasn't so fuck up . . . Or when her family was at least acting like they weren't fucked up. Over the years they've become bad actors, slightly slacking. But, no one, would ever tell Ivy the truth. Because, she's the baby of the family. They're last round at perfect.

    And so, Ivy was a queen.

     Weird, I know.

      "So, I had an idea." The two walked down the halls together: Laurie pretending not to noticed the stares they got, Ivy hadn't noticed them at all. They're hands were brushing, but neither one made the move to hold one another's hand. "I'm listening."

     "The carnival is tomorrow night. I was thinking we could, like, go together. You've save me from the stupid Chili cook off that my parents always win."

   Laurie raised a brow, how was this different from every year?

   The two stopped in front of his truck, the boy leaning against the sleek black. "We go together every year." Ivy bit back a smile, puffing out her cheeks. "Okay, yeah, I know that .. But, this year, maybe we could go together-together?"

   Oh shit.

    Laurie hoped to whatever God that his pounding heart wasn't showing on his face. His smile reached his eyes now, "I'd like that." Ivy beamed, which made Laurie's heart explode. "Really?" The boy nodded and Ivy clapped gently. "Okay, coolio!" The boy stifled a giggle as she pressed a kiss to his cheek.

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