Chapter 1

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Boruto watched from a safe distance as his father, the Hokage Naruto Uzumaki, walked the streets of Konoha. His father walked down the crowded streets without a care in the world, one hand in his jeans pocket, the other holding a plastic bag; the contents of which Boruto couldn't see.
This has been happening for a couple months now. Whenever the Hokage had a day off, he would spend a few hours in the morning with his family- His Wife, Hinata, his son, Boruto, and his youngest daughter Himawari- but after eleven he would leave the house and disappear until an hour before dinner. Which started at 8 P.M. After a couple times of this happening, Boruto began to grow suspicious, and shortly after his father left the house one day he decided to follow him.
He would watch as Naruto went into a few stores, buying things that none of the rest of the family ever saw and then walked down the crowded streets of central Konoha until Boruto, who was so busy trying not to run into people, lost sight of him. This happened for months. Boruto would not lose to him this time!
This time around Boruto had decided that getting to higher ground would give him less of a chance to lose his father in the crowd, so a few minutes after his father left the house he climbed up onto the roof and started roof jumping to catch up with him, staying a far enough distance away so he wouldn't be sensed by the Hokage.
Normal kids would probably just ask what he was up to, but no. Boruto didn't dare. Boruto knew his father well enough that, despite his good intentions, he wouldn't give Boruto the full truth. And that's the only truth Boruto will tolerate, he won't take a half truth.
Naruto paused his walk when he neared Ichiraku Ramen, making a beeline for it and heading inside. Boruto paused on a roof close by, squinting in concentration. He would be patient, even if every bone in his body yelled at him to go, go, go and confront his father. He would not give in. He would wait, even if it killed him.
Boruto heard someone land behind him, knowing who it was without even turning around. He wouldn't turn regardless, his attention would remain on his father, lest the old man left without his realizing.

"Go away, Sarada," Boruto announced, "I'm busy."

"I can tell," Sarada scoffed, "what exactly are you doing?"

"None of your business."

"Tell me!"

"No, buzz off!"

'Boru-" Naruto left the Ramen shop, now with both hands occupied, a take out bag in his hand that once rested in his jeans pocket. He had a big smile on his face, practically vibrating with unshed excitement. It confused Boruto, who frowned so intensely Sarada was positive he was going to pull a muscle.
Boruto jumped onto another roof, startling the raven haired girl. She seemed to catch on to what he was doing however, and quickly followed after him.

"Why are you stalking Lord 7th!?" She whisper-yelled.

"Shut up," Boruto hissed, "It's none of your business!" He jumped over onto two more roofs, Sarada still following.

"But Bor-"

"Sush Goddammit," Boruto whispered harshly, "you're going to get us caught, and i'm not losing him again! Either shut up, or go home." He jumped onto a third roof. Sarada remained silent.
The two of them followed the Hokage, who seemed in no rush despite the food in his hands, for a good ten minutes before he finally broke away from the busy streets of Central Konoha and started taking the roads in the less populated areas of the village. One road Naruto headed onto was surrounded by nothing but trees, so Boruto and Sarada had to adjust from jumping roofs, to jumping trees. This road was one Boruto hadn't been through before. Sure he'd passed by it on a few occasions, but it had never piqued his, or anyone else's, curiosity so much as to go down it before. And a quick glance at Sarada told him she felt the same way.
Finally the path broke out into a clearing, and Boruto stopped so quickly Sarada nearly pushed him off the tree. Boruto furrowed his eyebrows with so much confusion it looked like he was trying to solve one of Iruka-Sensei's math equations.
In the clearing was a house, seemingly a two story home like his own, but it was styled similarly to the Uchiha home. Only there weren't any clan symbols on this home. There was, however, a magnificent garden. Wrapped around the base of the home and in a large section of the field to the right of the home was a full blown garden, complete with colorful flowers, fruits and vegetables and just various plants and bushes all around. It was quite possible the best garden either of the two genins had ever seen before. There were even flowers and spider plants hanging from the bottom of the balcony near the front door to the house.
Boruto zoned in on his father as the older blonde walked the dirt walkway up to the front of the house, watching as the Hokage looked over to the garden and smiled with something akin to pride on his face. Finally the Hokage reached the front door and set the bag full of items Boruto didn't know of on the ground and pulled out a key.
Boruto watched as he opened the door, picked up the previously placed aside bag and walked into the house, shutting the door behind him. Before frowned and adjusted his body so he was sitting completely on the branch he had been perched on. Sarada copied him.

"I don't understand," Boruto mumbled, more to himself than to the girl next to him, "Why did he come here? Is this where he keeps coming on his days off? But why, what business does he have here?"

"I don't know Boruto," Sarada replied, just as puzzled, "but regardless, it's the Hokages business. Not ours. We really shouldn't be snooping around like this." Boruto scoffed.

"God, you're such a goody-two-shoes. Grow a spine." Sarada punched him in the back of the head, ignoring his small yelp of pain.

"Buzz off Boruto! I do have a spine, thank you. But unlike you, I also know how to respect people's privacy. This has nothing to do with us, you need to leave it be!"

"No! If I don't figure this out myself, I'll never get answers!"

"Ask him, Dumbass!" Sarada scolded, smoke practically blowing through her ears.

"He wont tell me!" He shot back, his own temper rising. Sarada opened her mouth to talk back when they heard shuffling behind them. The two of them stilled, stiffening up and glancing at each other, the prospect of them getting caught killing any more argument they had left.
The two of them slowly turned their heads to look behind them, only to watch as a squirrel jumped out from the leaves of the tree behind them to land on the branch. The both of them visibly relaxed and watched as it ran off. After a moment of silence Sarada turned her attention back to the young Blonde next to her.

"Look Boruto, Why don't we head back home and talk about this when we're not in danger of being spotted. Okay?" she pleaded. She really did not want to be caught, she had a reputation to uphold. Not to mention her father would be more than likely to find out, and she didn't want to disappoint him.
Boruto sucked in a deep breath and released it in a sigh. "Alright, fine. But only because I don't want to get in trouble with Mom." Sarada smiled, getting to her feet.

"I'll race you back!" She challenged me. Boruto raised an eyebrow with a smirk, standing up as well.

"You're on!" He darted, jumping from branch to branch with practiced agility. She grinned in determination and raced after him.

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