Monster of a Hound Chapter Seven

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I stood there at the edge of the second road. Hesitant on whether or not I should continue or go back.

I stared at the road waiting for a figure to arrive. Nothing. So I put one foot on the turn and tapped it (as if I was walking). But still, not a single thing appeared.

I passed it off as a miscount and walked on tword another right turn on another identical road. Some how, I was getting a lot closer to the mossy-green building by going in squares.

I got that feeling where your heart stops and your stomach drops, the feeling of something or someone waching me, about half way down the road. I turned around, no one, but as soon as I turned back, the I heard something rustle in the woods...... then a roar.

I ran off of the road and hoped it would disappear like the others. instead it followed me. I ran for a little longer then stood there and scrutinized it. It seemed to look a lot like......JACK!! He was alive! But he was huge and had paches of missing hair like some radioactive ticks an fleas were in those woods.

He licked my face and knealed down as a "get on my back and ride" gesture. So, obviously, I did. I mean who wouldn't ride an overprotective monster at this point?

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