beginning of my freedom

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Finally I have my own decisions to make and my family is ready to let me go. It wasn't so long ago my mom just wanted me to take a gap year but I made sure that she understands my behalf. So I'll be doing music in business major and I'm ready as L for it,  except my boyfriend and mom aren't ready to let me go.

Ms. Khumalo : baby, do you have to do this. College can be very cruel and I don't wanna loose you.

Lyric  : you won't loose me, ma.

Ms. Khumalo : what about Sbonelo?

Lyric  : we will be just fine,  (looking at Sbonelo)  right baby? 

Sbonelo : yeah,  but promise to call every time. I love you princess and I know that you will make everyone proud of you.

Lyric : I love you too Makhedama.

Ms. Khumalo : my baby,  I will miss you.

Lyric  : I'll miss you too mom but I'll keep on calling and visiting besides Boston is only 2 hours drive from here.

Ms. Khumalo : I know, just be careful and Sbonelo please make sure she arrives safely.

Sbonelo : I will ma.

We get in the car and Sbonelo drives me to the bus station. We get food first before I go away,  we chilled at Devin's fast food and we order.

Sbonelo : I'm happy for you.

Lyric : it took a lot of strength for you to actually be happy for me.  You didn't even want me to continue learning.

Sbonelo : what's the point when I will take care of you.

Lyric : you don't understand because you are a dude. If we are gonna fight can I go now.

Sbonelo : no babe I'm sorry,  let's just eat and then you can go. I didn't mean it like that, okay. I love you...

Lyric : I know and I love you too.

We ate and we chatted nicely to each other without any dum arguments. Finally I get on the bus and say my final good bye to Sbonelo, we kiss and I board the bus and left. Honestly it feels good leaving all of them behind and I don't regret my decision. I slept on the bus as it was getting dark,  just  wondering what is my roommate like? I bought an apartment near the school but also rented it so I have a house mate. Both Neli and I are going to pay rent and water bill and electricity together,  I bet she's cool. The bus stops and I snap out of dream land. Just as I got out and walked to the complex I met noise from the complex gate. 

Noise : welcome!  Hi!  Welcome!

Lyric :wow,  hi what's all this?

Girl 1 : your roommate organized this.

Lyric : my roommate?

Neli : wass Poppin! Hey Lyric, I'm Neli your new best friend.

Lyric : OMG start of something new. 

Neli : yay,  these are my friends Jade, she's a bit savage. Grace, very sensitive and Tori very aware.

Lyric : it's nice to meet you all.

Grace :ohhh no there more of us

Lyric :ohkay...

Neli : but we can go inside and drink and start welcoming you to Bramm.

Lyric :yeah sounds like a plan.

They are all weird and I'm an introvert,  I have never drank alcohol my whole life , I've had sex once or twice with Sbonelo. I am not going to fit here! We get inside the house and I place my bags in my room. While everyone was busy drinking in the seating room I was making my room as homie as possible. I was done a bit later, though I heard more voices I still decided to go there with my shortest night dress.
The noise was getting lauder and lauder but my heart felt every beat of the noise slide down as I walk in. Everyone stared at me and I froze course I was basically half naked. Neli broke the silence and decided to introduce me.

Neli : ohhhhh guys this is Lyric, my roommate.

Lyric : ( ashamed)  hi.

Neli : you be looking so sexy babe ( spanks her)  you should have told us you wanted a pj party.

I couldn't respond back in anything because of the guy who is looking at me like he is undressing me.

Lyric : I just wanted some water,  I am going to sleep.

Neli : this party was for you boo

Lyric : I just have to uhm... to, call my family and tell them I'm ohkay and it could basically take the whole night.

Neli : please, just stay for at least an hour then you can go.

Lyric : ... Okay but let me go change first.

Neli : no,  you okay. ( pulls her to seat next to her)  okay Lyric these are the boys in the crew,  Leon  ( pretty blue eyes)  , jack he doesn't talk much. Beck is Jade's boyfriend so don't think of looking at him ( he's pretty hot) , KB is a musical guy and also taken but his girl ain't here.

KB : wait you mention our love lives, what about Jack? 

Neli : Jack is my shman and I think it's too obvious. ( they laugh at her ) and lastly the only single guy in the group but smashes every girl on campus,  meet Desire.

In the mention of his name he stand up to approach me and our eyes met. I believe Neli was busy talking about how much of a man hore he is but I couldn't hear her. I didn't even see Neli seating down but I was standing alone with Desire.

Desire : is everything okay?

Lyric  : uhm... Yeah

I decided to try and pass him that I tripped and fell in him arms as he caught me.

Desire : be careful...

Lyric :(locked in his eyes ) s- sorry ...

Neli : guys seat down so we can play the game. Lyric you be Desire's partner since both of you are the third wheels.

Jade : I bet Lyric doesn't know the game.

Lyric : of course I don't, and I don't think I can play.

Neli : it's just a little truth or dare but very harmful. When ever we dare you ,you will do it together. Each couple gets to dare you.

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