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May, 2014

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May, 2014

I looked at myself in the mirror before fixing the collar of my shirt up. Just as I was about to walk out of the front door, my phone buzzed in my back pocket.

I was a little startled before I slid my hands and gripped onto my phone. As I looked at who texted me, I couldn't help but grin.

love of my life:

mosh! i'm readyy! u can pick me up anytime! drive safe!

I then opened the picture that she sent me and it was a picture of herself, a very close up picture of her face, with her kiss pout. It was all blurry and a bit chaotic for one picture but as I always did, I saved it before she could unsend the picture.

With that, I was at a head start to my day.

"Gosh, how do you know where the best foods are around here!" She sighed as she chewed on her steak. "This stuff tastes better then the ones in France!" She continued, food stuffed in her mouth.

I giggled at her before replying, "What can I say? Jungwon always knows what's best!" I replied, cockily, shrugging my shoulders and raising my eyebrows.

"Tsk, cocky boy. Less talking, more eating! We still have a list of stuff to do today!" She complained playfully before setting her attention onto her meal.

"Yes, Ma'am!" I exclaimed, playfully saluting her before I continued to enjoy my own steak. I watched her reaction as she tried holding her laughter in by rolling her eyes and I couldn't help but smile.

"Stop being such a scaredy cat! Come on! I need you to be with me for this ride!" She called out as she was dragging me to one of the most scariest rides I have ever seen in my life.

We were nearly done with our date at the amusement park. Yes, she's always wanted to have a date at an amusement park so I decided to do that for her today.

I was afraid of heights. Not to the point where I'd cry or something but it made me quite nervous most of the time. With these rides displayed right in front of my eyes made me quite anxious.

Every ride that we went on throughout the day just got more and more scarier! It was always more chaotic then the one we rode before.

We went from small teacups that we sit on and it'll spin us around to the water rides where we'd get all wet and soaked to these high ass rides that literally throw you into the heavens.

I never hated amusement parks but I never really enjoyed them either.

That's obviously until Choon Hee came into my life. I realized just how boring I was before she came.

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