Chapter 4: Enough crying

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Jisoo's sleepless night lingered as the haunting images Jennie had sent her replayed in her mind

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Jisoo's sleepless night lingered as the haunting images Jennie had sent her replayed in her mind. The tears continued to cascade down her cheeks, a constant reminder of the pain she felt from Taehyung's repeated betrayals.

"I can't take this anymore," Jisoo whispered to herself, her voice carrying the weight of exhaustion. This wasn't the first time someone close to her had uncovered Taehyung's disloyalty with another woman. Every time, his excuses were the same: a drunken blur that clouded his judgment. The cycle had become tiresome, draining her of the energy to confront the truth. Yet, despite the heartache, Jisoo couldn't bring herself to end their relationship. Love had intertwined its grip too deeply within her.

Suddenly, a gentle knock echoed through the stillness of her room. Jisoo's curiosity drew her towards the door, her eyes peering cautiously through the viewer. Jennie's presence outside immediately captured her attention. With a mix of apprehension and longing, she swiftly swung open the door, coming face to face with her friend.

"Unnie, you didn't get any sleep, did you?" Jennie asked, concern etched on her face as she took in Jisoo's disheveled appearance. Jisoo's eyes were swollen and red, evidence of a long night spent in tears, and her hair was a tangled mess. Overwhelmed by her emotions, Jisoo couldn't hold back her tears and they streamed down her face once again in front of her friend. Sensing her pain, Jennie gently closed the door behind her and enveloped Jisoo in a tight embrace.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright. I'm right here by your side, and I always will be," Jennie murmured, her words carrying a comforting reassurance.

Jennie guided her friend to the bathroom, urging her to take a shower. While Jisoo sought solace in the flowing water, Jennie prepared a cup of soothing tea, hoping to calm her troubled mind. After what felt like an eternity, Jisoo emerged from the bathroom and made her way to the living room, sinking into the softness of her couch.

Jennie, I want to sincerely thank you for being here, and I apologize if I'm burdening you at this moment," Jisoo admitted as Jennie approached with a comforting cup of tea.

"Don't say that! You're never a burden to me, so please stop thinking that way. I simply wanted to do something for you after sending those pictures. Looking at you now, I regret it, but at the same time, I felt it was necessary," Jennie expressed, her concern evident.

"I understand that you love him, Jisooyaa, but I have to be honest - this relationship isn't healthy for you. You can't keep defending his mistakes; it's time to make a decision for your own well-being. Choose yourself over him, chu. You're not the same person anymore, and I miss your vibrant and lively self. It pains me to see you like this. Please, make the right decision and break up with him," Jennie urged, her words filled with heartfelt concern.

Jisoo's tears overflowed, unable to contain the emotions that had been building inside her for far too long. "I should have ended things with him ages ago, but it's just so hard. I can't even picture my life without him," she voiced amidst her sobs.

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