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I am extremely privileged to announce the number of awards this book has won. Thank you for being there!

100+ ✔
500+ ✔
1k+ ✔
1.5+ ✔

100+ ✔


🏆First place ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Four) - Sunrise Mini Awards

🏆First place ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Four) - Sunrise Mini Awards

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🏆 First Place ~ Best Book of Humor Genre - The Booker Awards 2021

🏆 First Place ~ Best Book of Humor Genre - The Booker Awards 2021

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🏆 First Place ~ Best Short Story - The Blossom Awards

🏆Second Place ~ Best Book of Humor Genre - The Naughty List Awards

🏆Second Place ~ Best Book of Humor Genre - The Naughty List Awards

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Second Place ~ Best Cover - Patronus Mini Awards

🏆Second Place ~ Best Fanfiction - Accio Contest

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🏆Second Place ~ Best Fanfiction - Accio Contest

🏆Second Place ~ Best Fanfiction - The Cogitatio Realm Awards

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🏆Second Place ~ Best Fanfiction - The Cogitatio Realm Awards

🏆Third Place ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Five) - The Crown Mini Awards

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🏆Third Place ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Five) - The Crown Mini Awards

🏆Runner Up ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Four) - The Lavender Mini Awards

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🏆Runner Up ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Four) - The Lavender Mini Awards

🏆Runner Up ~ Best Humorous Chapter (Chapter Four) - The Lavender Mini Awards

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🏆Winner of Best Blurb in Ice Flake Contest

🏆Best Short Story Fanfic (Honourable Mention) in Good 4 U Fanfic Awards

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🏆Best Short Story Fanfic (Honourable Mention) in Good 4 U Fanfic Awards

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