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Tatsuya fell on his knees then Midorikawa came to him to help Tatsuya up.

"Kiyama Tatsuya refused to be benched!" The commentator said

"Without Kira Hiroto present, he can't afford to go on bench during this important game! That strong will can be seen from Kiyama's plays today!" The commentator said

The game started again
"The football frontier's third match, between Raimon and Eisei Academy, is 3-2 with Raimon in the lead!" The commentator said

I'm dribbling the ball but Tatsuya stole the ball to me.

"He look in pain." I thought

He got the ball before Goujin got it

"A nice play by Kiyama! A nice gutsy move!" The commentator said

Tatsuya pass the ball to Nagumo and after that Tatsuya fell on the field,  Yagami help him up.

"Man, that guy really pushing himself." Goujin said while running

Asuto was trying to stole the ball from Nagumo but Nagumo successfully get through Asuto.

Nagumo passes the ball to Suzuno and Suzuno pass the ball to Tatsuya, Tatsuya kick the ball to the goal but Norika used her hissatsu technique "Uzumaki the hand" and he successfully stop the ball to enter the goal.

"Hehe! I caught a big one!" Norika smile

"Kiyama is being taken off the field temporarily! While Kiyama has been taken off temporarily, he will not be substituted." The commentator said

"Huh?" Asuto said confused

"So they're playing with 10 players." I said

"Just how long is he planning to hold out?" Kozoumaru said

"How will Eisei Academy pull through with only ten standing members?!" The commentator said

Norika throw the ball to Michinari

"Let's go! This is a chance for us!" Michinari said

Michinari passed the ball to Golem, Golem pass the ball to Mansaku and he pass it to Hiyori, Hiyori pass the ball to me. I was dribbling the ball but Midorikawa mark me, I'm trying to get through but he successfully stole the ball from me, Midorikawawa dribbling the ball, I chase Midorikawa and used my hissatsu technique to stole the ball from him [H/N] I said and successfully got the ball from him

"[L/N] [F/N] cuts through the defense!" The commentator said

I was close to the goal, Saginuma thought I was the one who will shoot.

"Asuto!" I said and pass the ball to him

Asuto received my pass and he kicked the ball to the goal and the ball successfully entered the goal.

"Yes!" Both of us said and did a high five

"Goal! This puts Raimon two goals in the lead!" The commentator said

The match started again
Hiura used his hissatsu technique "Ice arrow" and the ball landed on Asuto, Asuto shoot the ball to the goal but Saginuma used his hissatsu technique "worm hole" that's why Asuto shoot didn't enter the goal

After some minutes Nagumo have a  accident, Nagumo was laying on the field while Golem standing in front of him.

"There's been an accident!" The commentator said

"A--A--Are you okay?" Golem asked panicking

"Does Nagumo have a concussion?! Eisei Academy is switching Nagumo out! Substituting him is... Kira Hiroto!" The commentator said

"Kira Hiroto..." I said

"He really is kinda scary..." Golem said

"It'll be fine... I think..." Hiyori said

"Kira Hiroto moves quickly up the field!" The commentator said

Hiroto get through Goujin easily, Hiro try to stole the ball from him but he failed.

Hiroto was now in front of me, I'm trying to get the ball to him but I obviously failed.

"Yo [U/N]!" (user name in any video game that you play). Kira said to me

"Huh?" I said then tilted my head a little

"You are [U/N] right!" Kira said to me

"How did you–" I said but got cut off by him

"I am God striker!" He said  and get through me

"ehh?... Eeeeehhh!" I said

Hiroto was now near to the goal and he used his hissatsu technique to shoot.

"The explosion!" He shout

Norika try to stop it with her hissatsu technique but she failed, that's why our score now is 4-3 we still on the lead.

"Goal! Raimon can't allow Eisei Academy to catch up, but this is Eisei's chance to even the score!" The commentator said

Asuto dribbling the ball, Yagami try to stole the ball to Asuto bu she failed.

Yagami laying on the field while holding her leg.

"Oh dear... Has Yagami hit her leg?"  The commentator said

The ball was on Hiroto again and he used his hissatsu technique.

"Zigzag strike!" Hiroto said and get through us

"He really scary!" Golem said while Hiroto going near to him

"You can't let fear take over all the time!" Hiyori said to Golem

Golem seems motivated on what Hiyori said him and Golem used his hissatsu technique "the wall".

"Nice, Golem!" Asuto said

"Nice hissatsu technique!" Goujin said

But Golem hissatsu technique was no use Hiroto still managed to get through.

"From Kira, this is truly the path of a God reaching for heaven!" The commentator said

Hiroto kicked the ball to the goal and its successfully entered the goal, that's why the score are now tie.

"G–goal! This right here is the ultimate individual play!" The commentator said

"That's right! I'm the God strik–" Hiroto said but got cut off

"Yagami is being substituted!" The commentator said

Kira dribbling the ball.

"Kira Hiroto quickly moves up! This is the dribbling of a God hastening to the goddess of victory!" The commentator said

Hiroto was in front of our goal again he kicked the ball to the goal but this time Norika stop the ball to enter the goal.

"Umihara blocks it!" The commentator said

"Five minutes left in the first half, and Eisei Academy is putting Kiyama Tatsuya back on the field!"  The commentator said

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