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I looked at the time, I was now trapped on my own foster parents home for more than a few hours. Mom would come and give me foods. But there was something wrong with the foods. It......it tasted the same but with a slightly different taste too. The water or the juice were also same. Both had an unknown taste which I couldn't figure out.

'Sweetie, here drink this energy drink. It will sooth your neck and back pain too.' mom said as she handed me the drink. I took it and said, 'Mom, I will drink it but can you please give me some food? I am hungry~'

She smiled before walking away. I quickly throw the juice to the bathroom sink and was about to go to my bed when I noticed the door cracked. I turned towards the door and saw that the wind which was coming through my window has made the door cracked. I guess mom forgot to lock it. I quickly and quietly walked to the door and pushed it a little.

'I should find a way out.' I whispered to myself as I looked to the right and the left side and saw no one. I walked to the main door which was on the left side. I was about to enter the living room when I heard someone talking.

'Hey, I am in the Lee's house............So, you want to me to be in charge of everything?.....................Y/N is having drugs by me on her foods, drink and juice..............Oh, he want to talk with me? Then give him the phone..................Hey, you were the one who want me to be in charge of the main target?.......................Hahaha, yeah you are saying the truth. By the way, Our mission is coming to an end.........I am giving Y/N a strong drug which will make her loss her memories of the past few years. If the dose continues, then she will totally forget herself! Moreover those Lee's are also with me since they want their beloved DAUGHTER back.........................Yes, those Jeons are our second target. Oh, contact HIM. I guess if he kills Jungkook then I can give the evidence of him killing Jungkook to the police and can also tell them that it was all his works! Then our way will be easy for moving out of Korea. Our project will be finish by then..........................You decide what to do with Jeon Y/N. Well nobody will find out about our real iden-Hey! I have to hang up now! Someone is coming!'

I was shocked. When that man said that he was giving me drugs, I quickly looked here and there. Yes! The hidden Pen! I quickly went to the bookshelf where the hidden camera pen was. One of my old friend gifted me this after our previous house's things were robbed. She was very rich. After the police didn't found anything, they closed the case so we couldn't retrieve our stolen things.

So she gave me this pen. If something like this happens in the future, we could use this pen. I quickly took the pen and tapped the button. A green light appeared and I pointed it to that man.

'Hahaha, yeah you are saying the truth. By the way, Our mission is coming to an end.........I am giving Y/N a strong drug which will make her loss her memories of the past few years. If the dose continues, then she will totally forget herself! Moreover those Lee's are also with me since they want their beloved DAUGHTER back.........................Yes, those Jeons are our second target. Oh, contact HIM. I guess if he kills Jungkook then I can give the evidence of him killing Jungkook to the police and can also tell them that it was all his works! Then our way will be easy for moving out of Korea. Our project will be finish by then..........................You decide what to do with Jeon Y/N. Well nobody will find out about our real iden-Hey! I have to hang up now! Someone is coming!'

Aish! I couldn't record the first words. But whatever it will do the work. Mom was coming from the kitchen as that man hanged the phone and I also knew that I can't escape now. So, I slowly walked to my room.

T𝕙𝕖 Jeon Ƭwιɴs |𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 ʙʀᴏᴛʜᴇʀ 🄰🅄 ft. 𝔹𝕋𝕊|Where stories live. Discover now