A party gone wrong

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Tonight is gonna be a party in Jenna's house. My friends and I are going. My best friends are Lexi and Kori, sometimes we call her Ri. My boyfriend is also gonna be there. His name is Carter. We've been dating for four months now. I am in love with him. A boyfriend like out of a movie. He has blonde hair and beautiful green eyes. He's amazing. He's everything-fun, loving, smart, loyal, honest. Like what more could you wish for. He's my second boyfriend. The first boyfriend I ever had was when I was fifteen, but it only lasted for two months. Also we started dating like a month after I turned fifteen. Uncomparable with this. I am really looking forward to this party, cause I haven't been to one for ages. Me, the girls and Carter are gonna have a great time.


Tonight's gonna be one hell of a party. And I am gonna have fun, definetely. Right now I am with my best friends Ryan and Mav(Maveric). We're just chilling in Mav's backyard. "What are you smirking about?" Mav asks me. "Well, obviously there are gonna be some pretty girls tonight. So, guys, I am gonna have some fun tonight," I smirk. The guys burst out laughing. "Typical Nath," Ryan laughs. Ryan has a girlfriend and Mav is like me, but not in such amount. "We should get ready, the party starts in 30 minutes," Mav says and we all agree and go get ready. Tonight's gonna be epic. Hell yeah. 


We are just leaving the house now. We are going by Lexi's car. She's a horrible driver tho, so every two seconds I am scared we'll crash. I am sat in the back. Ri sits next to Lexi so she puts on some party music and yells:"Let's party tonight, guys!" And we all start messing around. Then finally we get to Jenna's party. There's a lot of people and music is screaming. Lexi has a boyfriend, so she goes to find him and his friends. Ri though doesn't have a boyfriend and Carter is gonna come in an hour, so we stay together. Jenna is one of the richest people at school, so her house is huge, it's more of a mansion really. Her parents own some technology company. But she isn't snobby, egoistic or anything like that. She's a really sweet girl. Her house/almost mansion  is very beautiful. We enter the house and there's a ton of people dancing. So we try to get past them to the kitchen, succesfully and there's a lot of alcohol. It's a high school party afterall. Ri opens a bottle of vodka and we take about three shots of vodka.  My body warms up with alcohol and I suddenly feel like dancing. "Ri, let's dance!" I yell loudly, so a few people look at us. Ri takes my hand and we go to the dance floor and we spend about thirty minutes dancing. I come to the kitchen, about five minutes ago I lost Ri, she left with some guy. I am very thirsty so I mix vodka with juice and drink two glasses. In the kitchen is a few people kissing, dancing and drinking. I am looking forward to dancing with Carter tonight, it's always so fun. He's a really good dancer, especially when he's drunk. I sit on the counter and drink more of my drink, while listening to Can't stop the feeling. I love that song. When someone says a "song to dance to", this is what I imagine. I jiggle my legs with rythm in the air. Somebody comes in the kitchen. It's Nathan Evans and Holly, I don't remember her last name. I bet he doesn't even remember her first name. They're holding hands. Nathan is a womanizer. I don't like womanizers. They hurt girls and sleep with so many girls and break their hearts. And that's horrible. Holly knows what he's like, but apparently she's going for it anyway. A lot of girls are. But I have heard a lot about what he's like in bed. And everyone says he's amazing. But I didn't hear about it willingly, I just hear it at school all the time and it's really annoying. Well I am not into call it however you want, players, man-whores, womanizers, whatever. And thankfully I am not the only girl from school who wouldn't want to have anything to do with him. But there's not a lot of us. Holly notices me and she starts walking towards me, so does he. He looks at me for a split of second, but then he looks at her butt. Lol. They stop in front of me. "Hey Ruby, it's good to see you," Holly says. "Hey Holly, good to see you too," I say and while saying that for a second I look at Nathan.  He's looking at me, but when I look at him, he starts looking away. What the heck? "Where's Lexi and Ri? Are they here?" she asks with a wide smile on her face. She probably won't have that smile in the morning, when he dissapears, if not earlier. "Lexi's somewhere with her bf and his friends and Ri dissapeared with some guy. Carter's gonna be here soon, tho," I answer. "Yeah that's cool, have fun with him, see ya," Holly says and dissapears with Nathan who gives me one last look. Stupid womanizers.  I drink a few more drinks and then go to dance. I reunite with Lexi and her bf and his friends are with her, so we dance for a long time. Kori and that guy she left with come to us. "Lexi, Ruby, I am gonna go, so have fun and see ya later," she quickly says, hugs both of us and dissapears with that guy. Lexi and I just laugh. Several minutes later I want to know what time it is, but I realize I left my phone at home. Shit. So I ask Lexi:"What time is it, Lex?" She gets her cell phone out of the pocket of her jeans. "It's 11pm, Carter should already be here, right?" she asks. I nod. "I totally lost track of time, I guess he couldn't find me anywhere and I left my phone at home.  He is probably really worried, oh no. Can I use your phone to call him?" I ask upsetly. "Of course," Lexi says and hands me her phone. I go to the garden, because it's too much noise inside. 

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