The Pizzeria

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One would think that Izuku's life is amazing. After all, he's the son of the number 1 hero All Might. That has to be amazing right? Well, you would be right if it weren't for one word, spoken when he was only four years old. Quirkless. He's quirkless. After that, his life went down the drain. 

When he was brought home he expected his mom and dad to comfort him. To tell him that everything's going to be okay. Sadly that never happened, they were too busy focusing on Izumi and her new quirk. "That's okay," he reassured himself. "They're probably trying to look on the good side. I can always talk to my friends about it." 

Sadly that too turned out to be another falsehood. He went to talk to his friends about him being quirkless and wanting to be a hero despite that. He expected them to comfort him, or at least to stay friends with him. Sadly, they turned on him. They said he could never be a quirkless hero. "That's alright," he thought to himself. "If I can't be a hero, I'll be someone who helps the heroes." 

From that day on he did his best to study mechanics and technology in all forms. All in the hopes that one day he'll make something that will help a hero save someone. Even if his support items only help save one person he'd call it a win.

That's how it went for years. He'd spend his time alone in his room studying machinery, engineering, and coding of all kinds. He still got bullied every day by Izumi and her friends. They never believed that he gave up on being a hero. What they didn't know was that he knew he could never be a hero. Not after learning the truth about who his father is. 

The day he learned his father's hero persona, All Might, was the day he gave up on being a hero. He knew he'd never be a hero when All Might offered to train Izumi for his quirk, One For All, and said Izuku couldn't be a hero saying he "Didn't have the heroic spirit." If All Might, the number one hero didn't believe in him how could he be a hero? That was the day he truly gave up on being a hero and decided to go into support. Before that, he still had some childish hope that he'd be able to be a hero despite everything but All Might crushed the last of his hope for that dream. 

They always thought he was lying when he said he wanted to be a support hero. They'd constantly tell him he's too dumb to be a support hero. He knew they were wrong though. Sure he did get C's and D's in all his classes but he knew it wasn't his fault; it was his teacher's. 

Whenever he'd turn in an assignment the teachers would mark many of his answers as wrong. Yet when he sneaked a glance at Izumi's homework and compared answers he saw that she got much more right despite the fact that she put many of the same answers as him. He wasn't answering wrong; they were grading him wrong. By his calculations, he should have an A or at least a B. "That's okay," he told himself. "I just need to do so well on the entrance test that they'll let me in. It's going to be okay." 

He knew he was lying to himself. He knew that he had no chance of getting in with these faulty scores. Not to mention that he was quirkless!? He'd never get in. He just didn't want to believe it. He refused to believe it. So he convinced himself that it was okay. 

When he was 12 years old Izuku was running away from Izumi and her gang. He was about to get away before Izumi used her telekinesis to pull him back. At that point, he completely gave up struggling. He knew it was pointless. He knows enough about her quirk to know that he can't escape her hold unless he distracted her somehow. He hoped the beating would be mild considering they were still in public but didn't expect them to do what they did next. 

They pulled him into a long-closed kid's play place, Circus Baby's Pizza World, and beat him. These beatings were always worse. The beatings always were a lot worse than usual when he ran away and he'd been running from them for about an hour. They always called it "making sure a useless Deku knew his place." After that, he just lay there. He was in too much pain to move. He ended up staying there until it was already night outside. The choice not to move turned out to be the last mistake he'd ever make, at least while alive. 

He doesn't remember how it all happened. One moment he was laying on the ground waiting for the pain to subside, the next a man in a purple outfit was on top of him with a knife stabbing him repeatedly. It hurt so much that he screamed. He begged and pleaded with anyone to help him. No one heard his cries for help, or if they did, they didn't care. The last thing he remembers was the eyes of the man looking at him with glee. Like this was the most fun thing in the world. It seemed like he couldn't care less about the child he just killed to satisfy his sick desires. Is this how he dies? He tried his best to remember the man's face but as the darkness encompassed his vision, he couldn't remember anything, just a purple night worker uniform. 

When the darkness completely encompassed him he expected to die. Yet in what felt like only a moment he woke up, but he wasn't himself anymore. His body wasn't his. The palms of his hands were now pink with white fingers. The rest of his arm was white and pink too. His legs were in a similar state. None of his body looked normal. It all looked shiny and... mechanical. He picked himself off the ground and looked in the reflection of a metal pipe. 

What he saw looking back was not the face of Izuku Yagi. It was the face of one of Circus Baby's Pizza World's main animatronics Funtime Foxy. He began to panic, He'd be hyperventilating if it weren't for the fact that he couldn't breathe without lungs. He wanted to cry but couldn't. The only thing he could do was sit on the ground and make truly pathetic noises. Izuku noticed that his voice was robotic with hints of his voice peeking through the static.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" came a voice from somewhere in the darkness. It sounded as robotic as Izuku's with a hint of a feminine voice in it.  

A/N: Hello everyone! I don't know what I'm going to do with this story beyond a certain point so at some point I might ask you guys for help figuring out what I'm going to do with this story. Also, how old was Elizabeth when she died? I plan for her to be 12 like Izuku for the sake of the ship. Also what bullies should I add? Should I add Katsuki and Katsumi? Shoto and Shoka? Not sure about that yet. Thank you for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2022 ⏰

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