4 - The Light To Reach Your Heart

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Don't lose that smile. Don't lose the light that I can use to reach your heart... ~ Florence Joyce


It might have been the start of a crazy day for Amy. But it had also been a game changer for her, as well. At least, game changer in terms of her usual routine. Not just on Earth, but also in Narnia.

Amy still couldn't look directly for longer than 30 seconds at Edmund as her mind couldn't help recalling the events of their first meeting earlier that morning. She wasn't sure if the Pevensie sisters knew what happened as they were the ones who brought her breakfast. But at the moment, if in case they weren't aware, then she had no plans of mentioning anything.

At least, just until she could feel herself ready to tell the details.

"Why are you up here so early, by the way?" Edmund asked after a period of silence between them, which caught her by surprise. Not obviously, anyway.

Amy sighed as she placed her hands holding a bowl of porridge on her lap and stared at the view, with the sun starting to rise. "I can't afford to let the Telmarines do any more harm to the Narnians here or at least have the intention to do so as soon as they reach this place. I have to keep watch ― at least just until we could come up with a different way to settle all this without resorting to so much bloodshed." She chuckled bitterly after saying that. "Then again, with what happened yesterday, it would be close to impossible."

"You're really good. Do you know that?"

Those words caused Amy to turn to Edmund and eyed him quizzically. "What do you mean?"

"I-I mean... you're skilled for an archer. Susan told me about how you shot that Telmarine soldier from your position here. She said that even for her, it's a hard feat."

She could only look at the Just King who was seemingly avoiding her gaze while saying those words to her. Before she could even stop herself, she smiled before giggling for a short while. "Thank you for your kind words, Your Majesty."

"Amy, I thought I told you not to address me formally."

"I know. I'm just teasing you. But in all honesty, thank you for saying that I'm good at archery, even though it's the weapon I struggled using when I first came here."

"Is that so?"

Amy nodded and eyed the rising sun over the horizon. "But the centaur that guided me back then ― Grandfire ― patiently taught me how to, as he mentioned that my observing skills and sharp eyesight was something I should put to good use."

Nothing was said as a response to that, but it was okay for her. It appeared that Edmund was caught up doing something else, anyway. He could either be thinking or watching the view.

That is, until she could feel something else entirely besides the calmness she felt for watching the sunrise. She turned almost rashly to where Edmund was sitting and there he was, looking at her almost intently.

Without a question, her action startled them both. At least on her case, it was the sight that greeted her after that action which startled her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Amy couldn't help asking. This was the first time in which she got to meet one of the kings that ruled over Narnia long before she did. And yet this particular king's stare at her at the moment gave her heart something to ponder upon.

One thing she was sure about, his intent stare wasn't something she should fear about, regardless of what she had read in the stories about the Golden Age.

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