[1] The Love Birds

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"I love you Sneha!"

"I love you too Ajay!"

"Will you" taking out a ring from his pocket Ajay kneeled down and asked "Marry me?"

She gasps.

She has been always dreaming of this since the day she met him.

"Yes!" Sneha said with teary eyes.

He made her wear the ring and then they enjoyed their dinner.

Ajay, the most famous business of the city. He was never interested in love till he met his lady, Sneha. A young mid twenties lady with dark eyebrows, blue eyes and long black hair.

She was like a fairy to him.

Handing him the second glass she said " Ajay! I think we should go now. You are drunk!"

"Sneha! You are so beautiful. I want to marry you right now and make love to you" he said and she blushed.

Supporting his shoulder she took him to their house.

Reaching the room he pulled her by her waist.

"Kiss me!" he demanded

"No kissing before marriage i told you!"

"please! just once!" he said

"okay" saying this she leaned towards him but-

before their lips could meet he became unconscious.

She placed him on his bed and went back from there.

The next morning.

Ajay woke up with a headache. He never felt so hangover. He blushed thinking about last night. When he was about to get up from the bed he realised his hands and legs were tied.

He lifted his eyes and was shocked to see the condition of his room.

"SNEHAAAAAAAA!" he screamed.


Todays news a new man has fell again in the trapped of the con woman. Yes you are right! She again succeeded to trick a new well known rich man and ran away after promising to get marry. Its the 12th time and still police didn't found any evidence. No fingerprint, nothing.

Ajay, a well known business man. He said that he knew her from a month and they both fell in love. Last night he proposed her for marriage to which she agreed.

He also said that after drinking from the glass she offered to him, he started feeling dizzy and at last got unconscious. And by the morning he found his cash, jewellery and also some expensive things are missing.

A lady smirk as she sees the news on television.

"tch.... tch... Poor Ajay!" saying this she removed the lenses form her eyes. Dark brown deep eyes with deep secrets.

Removing the fake eyebrows she looks at herself on mirror.

"So beautiful and dangerous" saying this she took off her wig letting out her long brown long hairs to feel the air.

Yes she was the same lady!

"Sneha oh sorry Su-shee-la! Good job!" she told herself looking at the mirror.

"So the mission is complete. Now i have to find my next target. Ummm.... no! lets take a small break. After all this time it was big project"  she smirk "damn... Susheela you are such a good actor. You should be on movies! But my poor luck. No problem! This life is also good!" saying this she took her scooty keys and went out for shopping.


First part is here!
Hope you like it!
See you soon:)

First part is here!Hope you like it!See you soon:)

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