The Show After the Show

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you sat outside the back of the venue, the show had become too much, you needed a breather.
the sky was dark, supposedly full of starts but the lights of the surrounding cities drowned them out, all that could be heard if the faint music coming from inside the venue, and the cicadas screaming out in the grass

a couple minutes later the drums in the music fade, they start back up pretty fast but they sound different, almost as if someone else was playing, the back door opens and someone walks out.

its a man, about 6'1, dark brown hair, he was dressed in black slacks and a white button up only buttoned about halfway, a purple vest with gold inscriptions designed into it sat on-top of the shirt, he wore a black hat, a bit bigger than a fedora but, definitely not a fedora, gold chains that hung from his waist, he was extremely sweaty, he stumbled over to the bus that was parked behind the venue and leaned up against it, he took a few sips of water and recuperated.

you just sat there, staring at the sky, you were pretty average, worked a 9 to 5 at a local supermarket, you have a few pets and a good friend group, and.. you're gay

he throws the drumsticks onto the ground and turns around, he's taken back a bit when he sees you

"hey, you're not really suppose to be back here" he said in a soft voice, it was meant in a nice way

you turn your head to look at him before looking back up at the sky

"i needed a break, it got a bit too wild in there" the words roll off your tongue as if you're not talking to someone who had planned to see in concert for months, you say nothing more

he raises an eyebrow and closes his water bottle "you okay?" he asks as he starts to walk over to you

"yeah, just a bit tired" you lay your head back against the brick wall, you end up standing up and leaning against the brick wall instead

he stands beside you and leans against the walk with you, matching your body language "understandable, i feel the same, we dont get much sleep while touring"

you glance at him, he glances at you and you make eye contact, his eyes are a greenish hazel, maroonish eyeshadow is packed on underneath both his eyes while a faint purply glitter is packed onto his eyelids

"hes so pretty.." you think to yourself, emerson smiles at you "why stare so hard?" he asks, you look away "whos to say i was staring"

you both stand there for a few minutes in silence, listening to the cicadas, you can feel him eyeing you, you glance over and catch him checking you out
"can i help y-" your words are cut off mby his lips being pushed against yours, it feels amazing, his lips are small but soft, he smells nice, like a fancy french cologne,,,, he pulls away, you turn red

its silent for a second before you lean back in and kiss him again, he pushes you against the wall and deepens the kiss, he pulls away and grabs your hand, leading you into the tour bus before kissing you again, you both stumble to the back of the bus where the bunks are unable to keep your hands off eachother.

he grabs your hips and grinds up against you, you cant help but harden, you desperately try to grind back up against him to gain friction but he holds you down "no" he mumbles "dont be needy"

he steps back and takes off his vest, starting to unbutton his shirt, you're taken back a bit, you didnt expect him to be so.. dominant..

he pauses and looks up at you "take off your clothes" you comply immediately, you're incredibly turned on by him, you quickly take of your shirt and belt while he finishes unbuttoning his, he takes it off and drops it on the floor along with his hat and chains, he takes off his belt and pants before you, he grabs you and takes off the rest of your clothes for you, shoving you onto the bunk.

he climbs into the bunk with you, closing the curtains and climbing ontop of you, kissing you deeply once more.
you run your fingers through his hair, groaning, your member is throbbing.

he reaches down and starts to stroke your cock, you tilt your head back, whimpering pathetically, the slightest touch feels amazing with how long its been since you slept with someone, he grabs your chin pulling your head back down and kisses you deeply again, starting to stroke you faster, precum leaks out of your tip, you rest your forehead against ems, moaning softly, you're such a submissive, a whore nonetheless..

he wipes your precum up into his hand, stroking it onto himself, he groans softly before thrusting into you, you throw your head back, letting out a loud moan, hes big but not too he rests his forarm against your chest, holding himself up as he starts to thrust in and out, he clenches his jaw, letting out a low groan, its not long before hes pounding into you, ramming your prostate repeatedly.

you cry out, yanking at emersons hair, he clenches his jaw and grabs your hands, pinning them above your head as he grinds down onto you, thrusting painfully deep, your cock rubs against his stomach as he grinds, precum leaks from your tip, covering both stomachs, your lip quivers as you whimper pathetically, "fucking whore" he spits, leaving hickeys down your neck

he picks up the pase again, grabbing your hims with his free hand, your stomach bulges a little as he thrusts, he has a sour look on his face, the only thing in his eyes is lust, theyre not soft like they were earlier, just lustful and dominant, he smirks watching your thighs shakes, he knows hes good, you know it too.

you tug at your wrists but he just tightens his grip, clenching his jaw, he grabs your cock, squeezing it gently for a second, you cry out from pleasure,
he starts to stroke you again, fastly, you moans loudly from the amount of pleasure being brought apon you, your climax approaches fast, he continues to deeply thrust, stroking you hard.

You cry out loudly as cum squirts out of your tip, onto your stomach and into ems hand, but he shows no signs of stopping, he lets go of your cock and moves his cum covered hand to your throat, choking you, he thrusts deeply, letting out low grunts and groans.

sweat drips down your face as you moan, your thighs tremble as you try to close them "keep your legs open slut" he spits, you dont listen, you're too over-pleasured, he shoves two of his cum covered fingers into your mouth before thrusting even harder "i said keep them open." he says sternly and dominantly, he clenches his jaw and tilts his head back "fuck you're so tight" he spits out

he licks his fingers clean, sucking on them, he whimpers, moaning as he thrusts, em takes his fingers out of his mouth and grabs his cock, starting to stroke it again, he cries out, feeling overstimulated as fuck.
just then the door to the tour bus open, emerson covers your mouth as he strokes you, its so horribly hard to stay quiet

Sebastian steps into the tour bus, he sees the clothes on the floor and the curtains closed and laughs softly "niceeee, we coulda used our drummer out there", em makes another sour face but just clenches his jaw and keeps thrusting and stroking you, seb walks to the back of the bus and sits on his bed, you squeeze your eyes shut, it feels so amazing but its almost too much, your breathing picks up as another high approaches, you grab onto his shoulder, digging your nails into him.

Emerson grunts, wincing, seb raises an eyebrow "quiet over there i dont wanna listen to my brother fucking someone"
you turn red and so does he, your back arches as you cum again, your thighs shake violently as you orgasm

Em picks up his speed, his high is approaching aswell, he leans over you and rests his head in your shoulder, biting down on it gently so he doesnt make a sound, you grit your teeth, it doesnt hurt, infact, it feels good, apart from all the other things your body is feeling.

He tenses and thrusts deeply, cumming deep inside of you, he groans in relief right as rem steps into the bus, rem and seb look at eachother, rem freezes and raises an eyebrow, seeing the clothes on the floor, he starts to laugh "couldnt wait?" rem refers to the clothes on the floor, emerson turns red, he stays inside of you for a couple more second before pulling out and laying down beside you.

the boys tease him for a while because hes the baby, but towards the end of the night, you both end up falling asleep together cuddling under a nice fuzzy blanket

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