A Fond Farewell...

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The sunset was beautiful that day
As you told me 'Farewell'
You held your hand out in a handshake giving me a smile
But I didn't take it, i just simply gave you a smile back
As I turned my back on you walking away
I had a feeling that this was the last time I was going to see your face
I don't know why..... But I just knew I would we would never meet again
Even so.... If something were to happen
Please don't blame yourself for this is the path that I chose for Alphonse.... To make things right for him
If I don't come back there's only thing I ask of you.....
Please take care of Al I trust him in your care....
And even if I won't say it.... I want to thank you for getting me this far Colonel....
I'm sure if I do make it, you'll just say 'I told you so Fullmetal' and laugh it off
But I don't believe that'll happen
Because I'll do what it takes to get his body back
I would give everything up for my brothers happiness... You out of all people should know that well
If that's the price I have to pay.... I'll give my life for his
Equivalent Exchange, that's the rule we alchemists live by
So please.... Take care of Al if I don't come back
That's the only thing I ask of you Lieutenant Colonel Roy Mustang
So this is my last Fond Farewell to you...

A Fond Farewell (Royed Poem)Where stories live. Discover now