i | isn't that hyeon-ju?

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     " Seriously? I thought I told them to change it! " Hyun turned around as she saw Cheong-san and Gyeong-su, looking down at Cheong-san's phone

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     " Seriously? I thought I told them to change it! " Hyun turned around as she saw Cheong-san and Gyeong-su, looking down at Cheong-san's phone.
On-jo and I-sak ran towards the boys, hitting Cheong-san's phone onto the floor with Hyun following behind.
" Hey. My phone! "
He yelled, immediately bending down to pick it up. Hyun stopped behind the girls, putting her arm around the two.
" You can't run away. "
On-jo said, taking her backpack off as she held it out in front of him.
" Hey, gopher. Let's go have some fried chicken. " Cheong-san just stared back in confusion.
" It hasn't even opened yet. "
" It has. She said she's testing out a new recipe today." Gyeong-su hit Cheong-san on the shoulder as On-jo asked him,
" You're going, right? " " Of course. "
He quickly said back with a grin." Are you guys coming too? " Cheong-san asked, nodding his head over to Hyun and I-sak.
" Sure. Your mom told On-jo to bring friends "
" Yeah. "
Gyeong-su looked over to Hyun,
" Is this a double date? "
Hyun frowned, as I-sak put her arm around her, turning her around as the girls left.
" What the hell? Annoying. "
They laughed, as they skipped their way out of school. Hyun reached into her pocket, remembering she left her phone at home.
" Hey.. do you mind if i meet you there? I forgot my phone at home. I'll be quick "
I-sak sighed, as she whacked Hyun on the forehead.
" Ah, are you kidding me? "
Hyun rubbed her forehead looking down, as On-jo grabbed her arm, making Hyun face her.
" Be quick, Ok? " Hyun nodded, running off.
     " Ah, shit. "
Hyun cursed, rubbing her head as she felt a headache start to form. She swayed on the sidewalk, getting drowsy from the heat hitting her head.
Not noticing the car in front of her, she walked down the road, about to hit the truck passing by when an arm grabbed her, pulling her to safety.
" Hey.. You alright? "
She blinked, looking up at whom had just saved her. Su-hyeok smiled, looking down at the girl.
" Oh.. uh yeah. "
She said, getting back to her feet. Hyun was about to cross the road once more before he called out.
" Be safe! "
She turned around to see him slightly smiling back as he gave a slight wave. Hyun just gave a small nod.
' weird '
she thought as she continued her way back home.
     " What... ? " On-jo asked, as Hyun told her what happened on her way back home. 
" He just caught you... and told you to stay safe? "
" Be safe. he told her to be safe. "
I-sak said, turning back to face the 2.
" But why? I mean, he hasn't ever made the effort to talk to you before.. "
On-jo said, deep in thought. Hyun looked over and noticed her expression.
" Oh. No... Don't worry. I don't like him. "
On-jo immediately turned to her friend.
" What? No, that wasn't what ━ "
" he's all yours. " Hyun joked, On-jo looked at Hyun in confusion.
" What do you mean? "
Hyun looked away, noticing the sudden change in tone, and quickly defended herself.
" Nothing, i was just joking. "
On-jo quickly grasped onto Hyun's arm.
" Ah.. You can't tell anyone. Seriously. I haven't told I-sak yet. I don't even know if he likes me back or...... Just please don't mention it to anyone. "
" Of course not. My lips are sealed. "
Hyun said smiling, motioning a zipper onto her lips. On-jo smiled, dragging her arm towards the shop.
" Come on! Cheong-san and Gyeong-su are probably waiting for us! "
I-sak yelled back.
        " Whoa. "
" This is so much! "
The group exclaimed, as Cheong-san's mother walked over to the table with two plates of fried chicken.
" Thank you. "
" Thank you! "
" It looks so good. "
The four exclaimed, digging in as Cheong-san looked over the plates. " Why so much? "
" On-jo eats alot. "
His mother replied smiling, pointing to the girl.
" I don't eat a lot. I eat well. " She replied.
" Yes, that's what I like the best. "
" Eat up, Gyeong-su,  You too, A-sak. "
" It's I-sak, not A-sak. "
" Did you change your name? "
The girls started laughing as Cheong-san spoke again.
" Mom. don't change someone else's name. Change the restaurant's name. Why are you using my name? "
" It was called that before you were born. "
She retorted back.
" Exactly. You named me after the restaurant. "
" I don't like -- " " Hey. Quiet. "
Gyeong-su interrupted, nudging his arm.
" I like it. It has authenticity. "
" He's right. " I-sak and On-jo responded. Hyun dug her face into the chicken, as Cheong-san's mother asked her what she thought.
" Huh? Oh.. Yes. Gyeong-su's right. "
His mom smiled, as she introduced the recipe.
" So this is a new recipe that we made. This is slightly hot, and this is very hot. "
She turned to the teens, to ask about their opinions.
" You have to be honest. "
Gyeong-su went first,
" It's super-crazy mad good. It's delicious. "
He said, mouth full of chicken. " Really? "
" Ma'am! Right. If you need a delivery boy, i'll do it for cheap. "
She laughed,
" You guys need to study. "
She then turned to On-jo, asking her what she thought. " It's salty. "
Cheong-san's moms' face immediately dropped, as she ran over to her husband about the complaint.
Hyun turned to her friend." What do you mean? it's good. " I-sak and Gyeong-su nodded in agreement. On-jo went back for more, as Cheong-san poured her a refill.
" Stop eating. You said it's salty. " She looked up, smiling.
" But it still tastes good. "
     I-sak turned to the boys, telling them about what she told On-jo and Hyun earlier that morning.
" Did you hear about the science teacher, Mr. Lee? "
" What about him? " Cheong-san asked curiously.
" He smells like a rotting corpse. "
Cheong-san scoffed, as he said it was just a rumour Na-Yeon had spread.
" It's true. He didn't come to school for a few days after his son went missing. Then he came to class and... " On-jo repeated, sharing the story about what went on in class.
" .......He smelt like a rotten corpse. "
" How would she know what that smells like? Has she smelled one before? "
" She knows every smell except that one. since she never smelled it before, that must be it. "
" He became weird once his son went missing. " Hyun said, putting her chicken down.
" His son was an outcast. I heard he got bullied badly. " I-sak said, turning to On-jo.
" Yes. I feel sorry for him. "
" I feel sorry for Mr. Lee too. "
" Remember when he left during class last week? " Hyun asked, causing the heads to turn to her.
" He's never done that before. "
" They say he was a genius. "
" And geniuses often go crazy. "
" i guess you never have to worry about going crazy. " Cheong-san said to On-jo as the rest laughed.
" Hey. Are you looking down on me? "
Finishing up, they left the restaurant and Hyun said her goodbyes.
" See you tomorrow! "
She waved, to her friends as I-sak, On-jo and Gyeong-su waved back.
     Hyun entered school amongst the students running, as she turned back to see Cheong-san smirking at On-jo who had been caught as late.
She ran towards On-jo, wrapping her arm around her shoulder listening to the girl rant.
" Like c'mon, it's totally not fair. I had to carry his bag. And, he has longer legs... "
She trailed off, Hyun sighed in exhaustion.
" yeah, yeah. "
They walked together, soon reaching the stairs. Hyun noticed On-jo take out her hair elastic, as Su-hyeok was walking in the same direction.
" Su-hyeok. "
She called out, as he looked at her.
" Hey. Morning. " and left.
She quickly followed behind, leaving Hyun to run after her. They walked up the stairs as On-jo ran forward and stood in front of him.
" What? " He asked, as he turned to see Hyun standing beside him.
" Hey... You're Gwon Hyun. Right? " He asked, a smile forming on his face.
Hyun looked over at On-jo, then back at Su-hyeok.
" Uh.. yeah. "
She then turned back to face her friend,
" I'll meet you in class, ok? "
On-jo nodded, as Hyun ran past the two, walking into class. She took her seat across from On-jo's, getting her materials ready.
Soon On-jo walked in, a sad look on her face as she sat down next to I-sak. She watched as the two conversed, and On-jo tried telling I-sak about what had just happened. Su-hyeok soon walked in and joined the group of guys as they chatted.
     Na-Yeon walked in, noticing Gyeong-su sitting on her desk and ran to yell at him. Hyun rolled her eyes in frustration, as she rested her head in her hands. She didn't like Na-yeon.
' she's so annouing.. '
Ms. Park came inside, breaking the fight up as she greeted them, asking them to hand in their phones.
Hyun walked up, dropping her phone into the slot.
" Anybody in touch with Hyeon-Ju? "
" Nobody? None of you tried calling her? "
After hearing that she was last seen in the science lab, Ms Park announced for if anyone to hear from her, to let her know.
When checking, Ms Park typed into the chat and an alert sounded in the class.
I-sak and Dae-su got up, handing them their real phones as Hyun looked over to I-sak. She laughed quietly, handing over her real phone. Ms Park then soon took out On-Jo's phone, as she looked it over.
" This is your phone from last year. Take it. "
On-jo didn't move, but she sat in her seat smiling. Hyun dropped her head on the table to muffle her laughs.
     She started the lesson, asking for answers. Nam-ra answered, and Hyun looked over to see Su-Hyeok chatting to his friend. She sighed, looking back in annoyance.
" I don't expect them to listen. they're just not that devoted to work. "
Nam-ra said, looking over to her deskmate.
Hyun chuckled, looking over to her 'friend'.
" Next, Bare-su stand up. Hey. "
She said as she caught his attention.
" Yes. "
" Why are you 'Bare-su? "
He stood there as it was explained.
" It's short for Barefoot Su-Hyeok. Bare-su. "
" He really hates wearing socks. So he stinks a lot. " Hyun grimaced, looking over to On-jo who chuckled a little.
" Okay, Bare-su. What did Nam-Ra just say? "
" Well... " He started, looking around the classroom as everyone mocked him.
" She was absolutely correct. "
He said, and everyone laughed at him.
" So what was he absolutely correct interpretation? " He swayed in his spot, as the others chuckled.
" He knows. "
" How could he not? "
" You know right. "
But was soon interrupted but a banging noise at the door.
" What the hell. Isn't that Hyeon-Ju? "
Everyone got up, running towards her as she fell towards the ground.

OTHER HALF , lee suhyeokWhere stories live. Discover now