Chapter 1

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That, is what we'll do, Satori Komeiji, a mind youkai, thought with resolution. We'll leave this tower and set out. 

Satori and her sister, Koishi, were sitting in their bedroom. It was midnight. With their doors locked and curtains closed, they made sure to isolate the room to themselves. They also made sure to communicate telepathically so that the built-in AI won't be able to record or listen in to their conversation.

She felt like the Avengers were doomed the moment Koishi accidentally mentionned Seiga's name. Hermits were like gods, their names hold power. For hermits, it was important, since if anyone was in need of guidance, they would always be able to help. Knowing Seiga, she would rush immediately to the tower. Yet instead of helping, it was known that she would steal. 

Satori wasn't sure if it were the case, but she knows one thing for sure: The group of superheroes will simply bring trouble to themselves if it were the case.

Tomorrow... we'll leave, Satori thought to her sister.

Koishi nodded firmly, trusting her. They turned the lights off, and went to sleep. (What? Youkai need to sleep too, sometimes (I think >.>))

The next day, the heroes were out patrolling again. Satori made sure to influence them to trust them, so that they can escape quickly. One of the problems was the building's internal AI. Fortunately, Satori was able to mask their presences easily. So, they started their plan.

First, make sure the Avengers think they know where they're going. Satori took a marker and wrote on a piece of paper: "Out to buy milk". Believing it or not is up to them.

Second, they are going escape through one of the tallest windows, since there was less security there. 

Third, mask their presences the moment they step out of the window. Koishi was able to easily hide herself. Satori however, will simply make sure she had some glamour on.

Fourth, they need to go somewhere faraway. Knowing Seiga, that would be the time she would arrive. 

There, four simple and easy steps. 

Satori made sure to open the window of one of the top floors instead of the roof, since there was a chance the Avengers would spot them. Koishi immediately vanished. Satori, trusting her sister to be doing as instructed, leap out of the window after a few seconds. She carefully masked her presence before closing the window. Then, they flew, following a paper map Satori found lying around.

They stopped at a forest near the border between Canada and the United-States, far enough from New York. They had been flying for the past few hours, rendering them tired. 

Since Seiga hadn't arrived cause ruckus yet, they decided to go to a nearby clothing shop, to get some clothes. This was because Satori didn't want to waste anymore energy keeping up the glamour and all that.

They both got clothes in very plain colors, so that they won't be easily seen. Satori got a brown baseball cap, a navy denim jacket, a simple white t-shirt with black jeans and white converse to accompany the whole look. Koishi got something less dark: a moss green raincoat, grey leggings and a pair of running shoes. Using the credit card they got from Nitori, the youkai also got a tent to camp in. 

That was why and how they moved out of the Avengers tower.


Back in the tower, Clint was pacing in the living room. It's been at least four hours ever since they found that note, which said those sisters are out to buy milk. Unfortunately, Satori turned on her mysterious japanese voodoo mode on so that they couldn't even be found on cameras! Why did they hide themselves anyways if they're just going to buy milk? They promised them an explanation!

The archer rubbed his face before plopping himself next to Peter, who was reading.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Peter asked, sensing the older male's frustration.

"Just that how they're still not back yet," Clint grumbled.

Peter gave a sympathetic smile before saying, "I'm sure they'll be back soon,"

Clint groaned, "It's just some godd*mn milk! Are they milking a cow or something?!"

Another voice cut in, "Someone's angry,"

They turned to see Natasha perch on one of the sofa's armrests.

"It is suspicious, however," She continued, "I'll go downstairs to check the cameras,"

"Been there, done that," Clint drawled out, "Something doesn't feel right, anyways,"


Seiga took a step through the gap. Immediately, she ended up in an alleyway in between tall alleyways in the outside world.

"So," She smirked, "Guess they weren't lying,"

She stepped out of the alleyway, slightly blinded by the sun. With a clever disguise up, she began 

strolling around. She was about to sit down by a fountain at a park before she heard  a voice in her head.

"'Oh! You mean Seiga?'," It rang.

She smiled slightly. 

Time to investigate

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