Finish business

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"There's a weak pulse!!!"

*Thank god she's still alive*

Nicole looked like one of those ugly babies with snot all over their faces, she couldn't help but collapse because of all that built up anxiety

the hulk maid joined in on Nicole's crying frenzy while Natalia began stiching up Freya's wound (being the only one actually trained in the medical field)

"Take care of him I need to finish business"
Tartaglia said with a frustrated look on his face, he couldn't just let that go, Freya was betrayed by one of her most trusted men and being her right hand he felt obliged to seek revenge
he began walking out when he stopped in his place at natalia's words

"Don't you think she would want you to stay behind?"

"You wasn't there!! you didn't see it go down and how pathetic we were!!"

"you're right.. I wasn't there... but I know I'm right when I say she wouldn't want you to go back out there alone"

"I think she wouldn't want to be shot!
i think she didn't want to be betrayed!"

Tartaglia argued back, mainly focusing his frustration at natalia now
but natalia just calmly spoke back

"Exactly, after that don't you think she would want her right hand, her most trusted to stay by her side, I think she wouldn't want you to get hurt! I-"

Natalia stopped herself before she continued but in a worn out tone she continued

"I dont want you to get hurt.."

# Natalia was in the kitchen fixing up a drink for herself when Tartaglia stumbled in, barley making it to the kitchen stool
Freya was holding a celebration party for a successful raid, these weren't often but when they did happen Freya would break a new record of backflips each time and tartaglia would break a new shot record.

"Looking at the state of u I'm assuming you broke a new record again? "

"I could break ur back if u- obviously, remember the first party I said I'd break a new record next time, I have to keep my word I do have a reputation to uphold"

Tartaglia said proudly while slurring his words or atleast tried to make it sound like that but as much as he tried to hide it, Natalia could see straight through his act

"You know..."

natalia came to his side

"You don't have to drink so much each time just because you said you would "

"W-what? i only drink because I like to drink especially after a good raid and after all I'm from Snezhnaya"

Tartaglia said in his most convincing voice but he knew he couldnt fool Natalia maybe anyone else but not her
but all she did was give him a warm smile before she gently placed her hand on his

"I know you're not much of a drinker ajax but don't get hurt to over prove your word "

Natalia began walking out before she stopped

"You can always come to my room to rest if you've had enough of the reputation drinking "

just like that, she began walking out back to the party
Tartaglia could feel his face burning up whether it was the alcohol or something else but no one had ever dared to call him by his first name yet alone even show any care for him #

Tartaglia's gaze softened as he rememberd that memory which was once again fresh in his memory, he turned back to natalia

" okay.. I'll stay.."

Natalia gave a weak smile considering the circumstances

" Yo can u guys stop being gay ;( "

Freya said as she sat up, the look on her face says that she heard everything

" wtf you've been awake this whole time???"

Tartaglia said while he came up to freya and spat at her
natalia spat at freya too but freya magically caught it in her mouth

" woah how did that happen I must have been in the way whoops ahah "

natalia just gave freya a look

"You take care of her now, I'm gonna clean up"

Natalia got up and began going upstairs, fatigue was clear on her face after such circumstance but those blood ridden hands wouldn't clean themselves

Nicole, still there, lunged at Freya covering Freya in her tears and snot

"ew get off me- WAIT!"

Freya got up, abit weary but she did a backflip


she didn't fall...

"did you a back flip...and...actually land?"


"thats kinda hot lol"

nicole shook, not believing her own two eyes

" I feel alot better "

Freya gave a sweet smile to Nicole but Nicole was biting her nails looking back at Freya which ruined the mood straight away

*Time Skip*


Everybody was in bed, Freya was recovering upstairs after having done 50 back flips perfectly, it's almost as if her injury is helping her do them...or maybe it's a new beginning...


Freya sat up, clearly having heard the bang in person than in a dream, grabbing her glock she went down stairs
it could just be Nicole or Natalia but if it was Nicole, there would be multiple bangs and you would hear her falling down the stairs

as Freya approached the last steps she saw a light coming from the kitchen..and a tall figure inside

As Freya stepped into the kitchen quietly, relief swept over her as it was only Tartaglia, he must of made that noise
but he wasn't his regular self, the drink could confirm that

" you know you could have died today.. "

" but I didn't "

" but you could of.."

freya did a backflip

"I was going to get them finish them off...but"

he could not finish his words, as they carried more weight to them than the circumstance itself

"but she stopped you...I know you can't help but feel for her Childe"

"neither can you"

both of them didn't speak another word, the atmosphere was tense but if both of them wanted that truth to be out in the open between them

"it was reckless what you did today"

"I know.. but had I not done it we wouldn't of found out about the betrayal against me and that... was reckless of them"

tartaglia gave a slight grin at freya

"I guess they left us no choice"

Freya and Tartaglia both left the house and got into Freyas (extra, fancy, smart, bright, expensive, trillion dollar, built, fast, boutique, boujee, rare, hot, mouth watering, engine, good, etiquette, exterior, posh, style) car
the duo did a fist bump with each other before driving out to

finish business

sorry guys this chapter took so long to get out, I'm having a hard time writing as I've broken all my fingers on my right hand and I no longer have a left arm anymore my dog has also been kidnapped and developed Stockholm syndrome but I promise as soon i recover both physically and mentally I'll write another chapter
see you soon baes🥺🥺 <3333 ☆☆☆☆

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